Comprehensive update, add some GC fixes, update examples to new MacOS

header file layout.
This commit is contained in:
Greg 2020-06-24 13:03:53 -04:00
parent acc8cab583
commit 8b3a956bbe
26 changed files with 9729 additions and 354 deletions

View File

@ -12,28 +12,28 @@ import (
//Shortcut for literal NSStrings
var nst = ns.NSStringWithGoString
func pb1() {
func pb1(self ns.GButton, super ns.GButtonSupermethods) {
fmt.Println("Pushed button 1")
func pb2() {
func pb2(self ns.GButton, super ns.GButtonSupermethods) {
fmt.Println("Pushed button 2")
func db() {
func db(self ns.GButton, super ns.GButtonSupermethods) {
fmt.Println("button deallocated")
func didFinishLaunching(n *ns.NSNotification) {
func didFinishLaunching(self ns.AppDelegate, n *ns.NSNotification) {
fmt.Println("Go: did finish launching")
fmt.Printf("Notification: %s\n", n.Name().UTF8String())
//Set up an NSWindow
win = ns.NSWindowAlloc().InitWithContentRectStyleMask(
ns.NSMakeRect(200, 200, 600, 600),
// We do not need to retain this because we are in garbage collection mode
@ -103,21 +103,21 @@ func didFinishLaunching(n *ns.NSNotification) {
nst("H:|-[b1]"), 0, nil, viewmap))
nst("H:[b1]-[b2]"), ns.NSLayoutFormatAlignAllBaseline, nil, viewmap))
nst("H:[b1]-[b2]"), ns.NSLayoutFormatOptions(ns.NSLayoutFormatAlignAllBaseline), nil, viewmap))
func shouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(s *ns.NSApplication) ns.BOOL {
func shouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(self ns.AppDelegate, s *ns.NSApplication) ns.BOOL {
fmt.Println("Go: should terminate after last window closed")
return 1
func willTerminate(n *ns.NSNotification) {
func willTerminate(self ns.AppDelegate, n *ns.NSNotification) {
fmt.Println("Go: will terminate")
func didBecomeActive(n *ns.NSNotification) {
func didBecomeActive(self ns.AppDelegate, n *ns.NSNotification) {
fmt.Println("Go: did become active")
fmt.Printf("Notification: %s\n", n.Name().UTF8String())
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func app() {
// Lock OS thread because Cocoa uses thread-local storage
a = ns.NSApplicationSharedApplication()
// Set up an AppDelegate
// assign it to a global variable so it doesn't get garbage collected

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# nswrap.yaml
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/AppKit.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Headers/AppKit.h
- NSAutoreleasePool

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ import "C"
import (
func updateState(c *ns.CBCentralManager) {
func updateState(self ns.CBDelegate, c *ns.CBCentralManager) {
fmt.Printf("Go: did update state\n")
switch cm.CBManager.State() {
switch ns.NSInteger(cm.CBManager.State()) {
case ns.CBManagerStateUnknown:
fmt.Printf(" unknown\n")
case ns.CBManagerStateResetting:
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func updateState(c *ns.CBCentralManager) {
fmt.Printf("Go: updateState returning\n")
func discoverPeripheral(c *ns.CBCentralManager, p *ns.CBPeripheral, d *ns.NSDictionary, rssi *ns.NSNumber) {
func discoverPeripheral(self ns.CBDelegate, c *ns.CBCentralManager, p *ns.CBPeripheral, d *ns.NSDictionary, rssi *ns.NSNumber) {
fmt.Printf("Did discover peripheral\n")
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func discoverPeripheral(c *ns.CBCentralManager, p *ns.CBPeripheral, d *ns.NSDict
c.ConnectPeripheral(peripheral, nil)
func connectPeripheral(c *ns.CBCentralManager, p *ns.CBPeripheral) {
func connectPeripheral(self ns.CBDelegate, c *ns.CBCentralManager, p *ns.CBPeripheral) {
fmt.Printf("Did connect peripheral\n")
// set ourselves up as a peripheral delegate
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func connectPeripheral(c *ns.CBCentralManager, p *ns.CBPeripheral) {
fmt.Printf("Go: discoverPeripheral returning\n")
func discoverServices(p *ns.CBPeripheral, e *ns.NSError) {
func discoverServices(self ns.CBDelegate, p *ns.CBPeripheral, e *ns.NSError) {
fmt.Printf("Did discover services\n")
p.Services().ObjectEnumerator().ForIn(func(o *ns.Id) bool {
serv := o.CBService()
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func hr(d *ns.NSData) int {
func discoverCharacteristics(p *ns.CBPeripheral, s *ns.CBService, e *ns.NSError) {
func discoverCharacteristics(self ns.CBDelegate, p *ns.CBPeripheral, s *ns.CBService, e *ns.NSError) {
fmt.Printf("Did discover characteristics\n")
uuid := s.UUID()
fmt.Printf("----%s\n", uuid.UUIDString())
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ func discoverCharacteristics(p *ns.CBPeripheral, s *ns.CBService, e *ns.NSError)
fmt.Printf("Go: discoverCharacteristics returning\n")
func updateValue(p *ns.CBPeripheral, chr *ns.CBCharacteristic, e *ns.NSError) {
func updateValue(self ns.CBDelegate, p *ns.CBPeripheral, chr *ns.CBCharacteristic, e *ns.NSError) {
if chr.UUID().IsEqualTo(hrv_uuid) {
v := chr.Value()
fmt.Printf("Heart rate: %d\n", hr(v))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreBluetooth.framework/Headers/CoreBluetooth.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreBluetooth.framework/Headers/CoreBluetooth.h
- NSObject

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ func main() {
x := 0
a.ObjectEnumerator().ForIn(func(o *ns.Id) bool {
fmt.Printf("%d: %s\n",x,o.NSString())
fmt.Printf("%d: %s\n", x, o.NSString())
return true
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func main() {
return true
fmt.Printf("a = %p a.NSArray = %p\n",a,&a.NSArray)
fmt.Printf("a = %p a.NSArray = %p\n", a, &a.NSArray)
fmt.Printf("\nNSArrayWithObjects() (length 1)\n")
a2 = ns.NSArrayWithObjects(n1)
a2.ObjectEnumerator().ForIn(func(o *ns.Id) bool {
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ func main() {
oarr := make([]*ns.Id, 0, 5)
fmt.Printf("Length of oarr is %d\n", len(oarr))
karr := make([]*ns.Id, 0, 5)
d.GetObjects(&oarr, &karr, 4)
d.GetObjectsAndKeysCount(&oarr, &karr, 4)
fmt.Printf("Length of oarr is now %d\n", len(oarr))
for i, k := range karr {
fmt.Printf("-- %s -> %s\n", k.NSString(), oarr[i].NSString())
@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ func main() {
err := make([]*ns.NSError, 1)
n1 = ns.NSStringWithContentsOfURLEncoding(ns.NSURLWithGoString(""), ns.NSUTF8StringEncoding, &err)
if len(err) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("n1 = %s\n",n1)
fmt.Printf("n1 = %s\n", n1)
n1 = ns.NSStringWithContentsOfURLEncoding(ns.NSURLWithGoString("htttypo://"), ns.NSUTF8StringEncoding, &err)
if len(err) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("err[0] = %p -> %p\n",err[0],err[0].Ptr())
fmt.Printf("err[0] = %p -> %p\n", err[0], err[0].Ptr())
fmt.Printf("err: %s\n", err[0].LocalizedDescription())
@ -137,26 +137,26 @@ func main() {
a2 = ns.NSArrayWithObjects(gs1, gs2)
a2.ObjectEnumerator().ForIn(func(o *ns.Id) bool {
fmt.Printf("--%s\n", o.NSString())
return true
dir,e := os.Getwd()
dir, e := os.Getwd()
if e != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to get current working directory. %s\n",err)
fmt.Printf("Failed to get current working directory. %s\n", err)
path := nst(dir)
filter := ns.NSArrayWithObjects(nst("ast"),nst("yaml"))
ost := make([]*ns.NSString,0,1)
oar:= make([]*ns.NSArray,0,1)
filter := ns.NSArrayWithObjects(nst("ast"), nst("yaml"))
ost := make([]*ns.NSString, 0, 1)
oar := make([]*ns.NSArray, 0, 1)
i := path.CompletePathIntoString(&ost,0,&oar,filter)
fmt.Printf("%d matches\n",i)
i := path.CompletePathIntoString(&ost, 0, &oar, filter)
fmt.Printf("%d matches\n", i)
if i > 0 {
fmt.Printf("ost = %s\n",ost[0])
fmt.Printf("ost = %s\n", ost[0])
fmt.Printf("oar =\n")
oar[0].ObjectEnumerator().ForIn(func(o *ns.Id) bool {
fmt.Printf("--%s\n", o.NSString())
return true

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- NSAutoreleasePool
- NSArray

View File

@ -2,25 +2,24 @@ package main
import (
func main() {
var s ns.Stat
ns.Puts(ns.CharWithGoString("Hi there"))
ret := ns.Fstat(3,&s)
fmt.Printf("Fstat: %d\n",ret)
ret := ns.Fstat(3, &s)
fmt.Printf("Fstat: %d\n", ret)
fmt.Printf("Opening file\n")
f := ns.Fopen(ns.CharWithGoString("nswrap.yaml"),ns.CharWithGoString("r"))
ret = ns.Fstat(3,&s)
fmt.Printf("Fstat: %d\n",ret)
chr := make([]byte,4096)
f := ns.Fopen(ns.CharWithGoString("nswrap.yaml"), ns.CharWithGoString("r"))
ret = ns.Fstat(3, &s)
fmt.Printf("Fstat: %d\n", ret)
chr := make([]byte, 4096)
i := ns.Fread(unsafe.Pointer(&chr[0]), 1, 4096, f)
if i < 4096 {
chr = chr[:i]
fmt.Printf("file contents:\n%s\n",string(chr))
fmt.Printf("file contents:\n%s\n", string(chr))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- /usr/include/stdio.h
- /usr/include/stdlib.h
- /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdlib.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/sys/stat.h
- stdio.h
- stdlib.h

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
func releaseX(x int) func (ns.MyClassSupermethods) {
return func(super ns.MyClassSupermethods) {
func releaseX(x int) func(ns.MyClass, ns.MyClassSupermethods) {
return func(self ns.MyClass, super ns.MyClassSupermethods) {
//fmt.Printf("--release %d\n", x)
super.Release() // comment out for leak
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ func releaseX(x int) func (ns.MyClassSupermethods) {
func memtest1() {
fmt.Println("memtest1 started")
for {
arr := make([]*ns.MyClass,1000)
arr := make([]*ns.MyClass, 1000)
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
// Alloc methods set a finalizer that causes the Go GC to
// Release these objects.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func memtest1() {
// Manually run the Go GC at every loop iteration. May not be needed
// in a real program.
time.Sleep(time.Second / 50)
//fmt.Printf("Loop complete\n")
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ func memtest2() {
fmt.Println("memtest2 started")
i := 0
for {
o1 := ns.NSStringAlloc().InitWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("two string %d",i))
o2 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("two string %d",i))
o1 := ns.NSStringAlloc().InitWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("two string %d", i))
o2 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("two string %d", i))
// NSWrap runs object constructors inside an @autoreleasepool block,
// and then calls "retain" on them before returning to Go. A Go
@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ func memtest2() {
// init methods in Objective-C always return a retained object.
// init may or may not return the same object that was sent in.
a1 = a1.InitWithObjects(o1,o2,o3,o4)
a1 = a1.InitWithObjects(o1, o2, o3, o4)
a2 := ns.NSArrayWithObjects(o1,o2,o3,o4)
a2 := ns.NSArrayWithObjects(o1, o2, o3, o4)
// you can always nest alloc and init.
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func memtest2() {
_ = a3
time.Sleep(time.Second / 50)
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func memtest4() {
_ = o1
_ = c1
time.Sleep(time.Second / 50)
c1.Free() // you need to manually free UTF8Strings
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ func memtest5() {
// a new NSString object at each loop iteration and cannot be reusing
// the same string object.
str := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("blue string %d",i))
str := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("blue string %d", i))
// SubstringFromIndex should be returning a newly allocated NSString,
// which is getting retained by NSWrap and released by a Go GC
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ func memtest5() {
u := sub.UTF8String()
u2 := sub2.UTF8String()
u3 := sub3.UTF8String()
time.Sleep(time.Second / 50)
@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ func memtest5() {
func tmpdict(i int) *ns.NSString {
o1 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp string 1-%d",i))
o2 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp string 2-%d",i))
k1 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp key 1-%d",i))
k2 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp key 2-%d",i))
dict := ns.NSDictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys(o1,k1,o2,k2)
o1 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp string 1-%d", i))
o2 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp string 2-%d", i))
k1 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp key 1-%d", i))
k2 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp key 2-%d", i))
dict := ns.NSDictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys(o1, k1, o2, k2)
ret := dict.ValueForKey(k1)
//fmt.Printf("tmpdict(): string = %s\n",ret.NSString())
@ -173,17 +173,16 @@ func tmpdict(i int) *ns.NSString {
func tmparr(i int) *ns.NSString {
o1 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp string 3-%d",i))
o2 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp string 4-%d",i))
arr := ns.NSArrayWithObjects(o1,o2)
os := make([]*ns.Id,0,2)
arr.GetObjects(&os, ns.NSMakeRange(0,2))
o1 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp string 3-%d", i))
o2 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("temp string 4-%d", i))
arr := ns.NSArrayWithObjects(o1, o2)
os := make([]*ns.Id, 0, 2)
arr.GetObjectsRange(&os, ns.NSMakeRange(0, 2))
defer runtime.GC() // collect o1, o2 and arr
return os[1].NSString() // should have been retained by NSArray.GetObjects()
func memtest6() {
fmt.Println("memtest6 started")
i := 0
@ -193,13 +192,13 @@ func memtest6() {
time.Sleep(time.Second / 5)
u1 := s1.String() // make sure s1 and s2 are still available
u2 := s2.String()
e1 := fmt.Sprintf("temp string 1-%d",i)
e1 := fmt.Sprintf("temp string 1-%d", i)
if u1 != e1 {
fmt.Printf("tmpdict() error: %s != %s\n",u1,e1)
fmt.Printf("tmpdict() error: %s != %s\n", u1, e1)
e2 := fmt.Sprintf("temp string 4-%d",i)
e2 := fmt.Sprintf("temp string 4-%d", i)
if u2 != e2 {
fmt.Printf("tmparr() error: %s != %s\n",u2,e2)
fmt.Printf("tmparr() error: %s != %s\n", u2, e2)
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ func main() {
go func() {
for {
// print a progress indicator
fmt.Printf("t = %s\n",time.Now())
fmt.Printf("t = %s\n", time.Now())
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- NSAutoreleasePool
- NSArray

View File

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import (
func dealloc() {
func dealloc(self ns.MyClass, super ns.MyClassSupermethods) {
//[super dealloc] is called for you automatically, so no Supermethods
//struct is provided here.
fmt.Println("--dealloc called")
func release(super ns.MyClassSupermethods) {
func release(self ns.MyClass, super ns.MyClassSupermethods) {
fmt.Println("--release called")
super.Release() // comment out for leak
@ -92,19 +92,19 @@ func memtest3() {
ns.Autoreleasepool(func() {
arr := ns.NSMutableArrayAlloc().Init()
arr.AddObject(ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("my string %d",i)))
s1 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("my other string %d",i))
arr.AddObject(ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("my string %d", i)))
s1 := ns.NSStringWithGoString(fmt.Sprintf("my other string %d", i))
fmt.Printf("%s\n", arr.ObjectAtIndex(0).NSString())
_ = s1
for x := 0; x < 3; x++ {
ns.Autoreleasepool(func() {
str := arr.ObjectAtIndex(0).NSString()
fmt.Printf("%d->%s\n",x,str) // does not leak in an autorelease pool
fmt.Printf("%d->%s\n", x, str) // does not leak in an autorelease pool
time.Sleep(time.Second / 5)
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- NSAutoreleasePool
- NSArray

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
ns ""
func cb(super ns.ClassThreeSupermethods) ns.Int {
func cb(self ns.ClassThree, super ns.ClassThreeSupermethods) ns.Int {
fmt.Printf("In Go callback\n")
return 0

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ func incr() func(bool) (int, float64) {
if b == 0 {
return i, 0.0
} else {
return i, (b/float64(i)) * 100
return i, (b / float64(i)) * 100
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ func newTracker() (func(*ns.Id), func(*ns.Id), func()) {
select {
case x := <-addch:
data = append(data,record{
data = append(data, record{
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func newTracker() (func(*ns.Id), func(*ns.Id), func()) {
case x := <-dropch:
data = append(data,record{
data = append(data, record{
@ -73,16 +73,16 @@ func newTracker() (func(*ns.Id), func(*ns.Id), func()) {
add := func(x *ns.Id) {
addch<- x
addch <- x
drop := func(x *ns.Id) {
dropch<- x
dropch <- x
check := func() {
live := map[unsafe.Pointer]*ns.Id{}
bad := false
for _,r := range data {
for _, r := range data {
if r.ptr != nil {
if live[r.ptr] != nil {
fmt.Printf("COLLISION: %p & %p -> %p\n", r.goPtr, live[r.ptr], r.ptr)
@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ func newTracker() (func(*ns.Id), func(*ns.Id), func()) {
live[r.ptr] = r.goPtr
} else {
delete(live, r.ptr)
fmt.Printf("Checked %d records -- ",len(data))
fmt.Printf("Checked %d records -- ", len(data))
if bad {
} else {
@ -101,25 +101,25 @@ func newTracker() (func(*ns.Id), func(*ns.Id), func()) {
return add,drop,check
return add, drop, check
func mkstrings(t tracker) {
for {
//fmt.Printf("main thread: %t\n",ns.NSThreadIsMainThread())
x,b := t.i(false)
str := fmt.Sprintf("string %d",x)
x, b := t.i(false)
str := fmt.Sprintf("string %d", x)
s := ns.NSStringWithGoString(str)
for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
sout := s.String()
if str != sout {
_,b = t.i(true)
_, b = t.i(true)
fmt.Printf("%3.2f%% -- %d: '%s' '%s'\n", b, x, str, sout)
time.Sleep(time.Second / 1000)
if x % 1000 == 0 {
if x%1000 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%3.2f%% -- %s\n", b, time.Now().Format("03:04:05.000"))
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ func main() {
go func() {
for {
time.Sleep(time.Second / 100)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h
- NSString
- NSThread

examples/subclass/main.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package main
import (
func c1release(self ns.C1, super ns.C1Supermethods) {
fmt.Printf("c1release() done\n")
func c2myMethod(self ns.C2) {
func main() {
c1 := ns.C1Alloc()
c2 := ns.C2Alloc()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package ns
#cgo CFLAGS: -x objective-c -fno-objc-arc
#cgo LDFLAGS: -framework Foundation
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-security"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
import "C"
import (
//export C1Dealloc
func C1Dealloc(o unsafe.Pointer) {
cb := C1Lookup[o].Dealloc
if cb == nil { return }
self := C1{}
self.ptr = o
super := C1Supermethods{
cb(self, super)
//export C1Release
func C1Release(o unsafe.Pointer) {
cb := C1Lookup[o].Release
if cb == nil { return }
self := C1{}
self.ptr = o
super := C1Supermethods{
cb(self, super)
//export C2MyMethod
func C2MyMethod(o unsafe.Pointer) {
cb := C2Lookup[o].MyMethod
if cb == nil { return }
self := C2{}
self.ptr = o

examples/subclass/ns/main.go Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
inputfiles: [ /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/Foundation.h ]
- NSObject
- NSString
- dealloc
- release
- -(void)myMethod
# c3:
# NSObject:
# - -(void)myMethod:(int)i
# c4:
# NSObject:
# - release
# - -(int)myMethod:(int)i
# c5:
# NSObject:
# - release
# - -(void)myMethod
frameworks: [ Foundation ]
pragma: [ clang diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-security" ]

examples/subclass/subclass Executable file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ import (
@ -33,15 +36,19 @@ type conf struct {
Debugast bool
Classes []string
Functions []string
FunctionIgnore []string
Enums []string
Delegates map[string]map[string][]string
Subclasses map[string]map[string][]string
Frameworks []string
Libraries []string
Frameworkdirs []string
Imports []string
Sysimports []string
Pragma []string
Typesubs map[string]string
Vaargs int
Clang string
//Arc flag for debugging only, builds will break
Arc bool
Autorelease bool
@ -233,7 +240,12 @@ func Start() (err error) {
cargs = append(cargs, Config.Inputfiles...)
fmt.Printf("Generating AST\n")
astPP, err = exec.Command("clang", cargs...).Output()
clang := "clang"
if Config.Clang != "" {
clang = Config.Clang
fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", clang, strings.Join(cargs, " "))
astPP, err = exec.Command(clang, cargs...).Output()
if err != nil {
// If clang fails it still prints out the AST, so we have to run it
// again to get the real error.
@ -281,12 +293,14 @@ func Start() (err error) {
w := wrap.NewWrapper(Debug)
w.Package = Config.Package
w.Frameworks = Config.Frameworks
w.Libraries = Config.Libraries
w.Frameworkdirs = Config.Frameworkdirs
w.Pragmas = Config.Pragma
types.Typesubs = Config.Typesubs
if Config.Vaargs == 0 {
Config.Vaargs = 16
@ -305,7 +319,7 @@ func Start() (err error) {
if matches(x.Name, autoadd) {
Config.Classes = append(Config.Classes,x.Name)
Config.Classes = append(Config.Classes, x.Name)
case *ast.ObjCCategoryDecl:
@ -314,7 +328,8 @@ func Start() (err error) {
w.AddTypedef(x.Name, x.Type)
case *ast.FunctionDecl:
if matches(x.Name, Config.Functions) {
if matches(x.Name, Config.Functions) &&
!matches(x.Name, Config.FunctionIgnore) {
case *ast.ObjCProtocolDecl:
@ -341,9 +356,18 @@ func main() {
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
confbytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("nswrap.yaml")
conffile := "nswrap.yaml"
if len(os.Args) > 1 {
conffile = os.Args[1]
confbytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(conffile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n\nFATAL ERROR: Configuration file must be present in directory where nswrap\nis invoked.\n", err)
fmt.Printf("%s\n\nFATAL ERROR: Configuration file not found (default: nswrap.yaml)\n", err)
confbytes, err = envsubst.Bytes(confbytes)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("FATAL ERROR: Shell string variable substitution faled: %s\n", err)
if err = yaml.UnmarshalStrict(confbytes, &Config); err != nil {

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func ChildOf(ret *Node, p Parser) Parser {
//Children takes a parser returns a parser that adds the children of its
//Children takes a parser and returns a parser that adds the children of its
//output node to the tree. If multiple parsers are passed in, they are
//passed to Seq(...)
func Children(ps ...Parser) Parser {

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
var Gogc bool
var Typesubs map[string]string
//super is a map recording which class is the parent of each other class
var super map[string]string
@ -201,25 +202,45 @@ func (t *Type) GoType() string {
return _goType(t.CType())
func typeSub(gt string) string {
if Typesubs == nil {
return gt
i := 0
for ; i < len(gt); i++ {
if gt[i] != '*' {
gtp := gt[:i]
gte := gt[i:]
for k, v := range Typesubs {
if gte == k {
return gtp + v
return gt
func _goType(ct string) string {
ct = strings.Title(ct)
ct = strings.ReplaceAll(ct, " ", "")
ct = strings.TrimPrefix(ct, "Struct")
ct = swapstars(ct)
if len(ct) > 0 && ct[0] == '*' && IsGoInterface(ct[1:]) {
return ct
return typeSub(ct)
if ct == "Id" {
ct = "*Id"
if ShouldWrap(ct) {
return ct
return typeSub(ct)
if len(ct) > 4 && ct[len(ct)-4:len(ct)] == "Void" {
ct = ct[:len(ct)-5] + "unsafe.Pointer"
return ct
return typeSub(ct)
func (t *Type) CType() string {
@ -271,20 +292,32 @@ func (t *Type) GoTypeDecl(fin bool) string {
type %s = %s
`, gt, tdgt)
cgt := td.CGoType()
eq := ""
if len(cgt) > 9 && cgt[:9] == "C.struct_" {
//cgt = "C." + cgt[9:]
eq = "= "
return fmt.Sprintf(`
type %s %s
`, gt, td.CGoType())
type %s %s%s
`, gt, eq, cgt)
if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" writing GoTypeDecl for %s\n",gt)
fmt.Printf(" writing GoTypeDecl for %s\n", gt)
switch gt {
case "", "Void":
return ""
cgt := t.CGoType()
eq := ""
if len(cgt) > 9 && cgt[:9] == "C.struct_" {
//cgt = "C." + cgt[9:]
eq = "= "
return fmt.Sprintf(`
type %s %s
`, gt, t.CGoType())
type %s %s%s
`, gt, eq, cgt)
@ -292,12 +325,12 @@ func (t *Type) GoInterfaceDecl(fin bool) string {
ct := t.CType()
gt := t.GoType()
if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" writing GoInterfaceDecl for %s\n",gt)
fmt.Printf(" writing GoInterfaceDecl for %s\n", gt)
if gt[0] == '*' {
gt = gt[1:] // dereference wrapped types
ct = ct[:len(ct)-1]
fmt.Printf(" dereferenced %s\n",gt)
//fmt.Printf(" dereferenced %s\n", gt)
super := Super(ct)
if super == "" {
@ -384,7 +417,7 @@ func (t *Type) CToGo(cval string) string {
// Call a C function from Go with a given return type and parameter types
func GoToC(sname, name string, pnames, snames []string, rtype *Type, ptypes []*Type, fun, fin bool, cm bool) string {
func GoToC(sname, name string, pnames, snames []string, rtype *Type, ptypes []*Type, fun, fin bool, cm bool, goImports map[string]bool) string {
if rtype == nil {
//fmt.Println("nil sent to GoToC")
return ""
@ -444,7 +477,11 @@ func GoToC(sname, name string, pnames, snames []string, rtype *Type, ptypes []*T
case TypedefShouldWrap(ptgt) && !pt.Variadic && !fun:
p = pn + ".Ptr()"
case snames[i] != "":
p = "(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&" + snames[i] + "[0]))"
cast := pt.CGoType()
if len(ptgt) > 2 && ptgt[:1] == "*" && PtrShouldWrap(ptgt[1:]) {
cast = "*unsafe.Pointer"
p = fmt.Sprintf("(%s)(unsafe.Pointer(&%s[0]))", cast, snames[i])
case pt.Variadic:
p = "unsafe.Pointer(&" + p + ")"
case pt.IsPointer() && !fun:
@ -472,8 +509,11 @@ func GoToC(sname, name string, pnames, snames []string, rtype *Type, ptypes []*T
ptgt := ptypes[i].GoType()
if !(len(ptgt) > 2 && ptgt[:1] == "*" && PtrShouldWrap(ptgt[1:])) {
if len(ptgt) < 2 {
fmt.Printf("Error in function translation -- argument %s to %s should be pointer to pointer\n",pnames[i],name)
fmt.Printf("Error in function translation -- argument %s to %s should be pointer to pointer\n", pnames[i], name)
ptgt = ptgt[2:]
@ -482,6 +522,7 @@ func GoToC(sname, name string, pnames, snames []string, rtype *Type, ptypes []*T
dogc := ""
if Gogc {
goImports["runtime"] = true
dogc = fmt.Sprintf(`
runtime.SetFinalizer((*%s)[i], func(o *%s) {
@ -503,12 +544,17 @@ func GoToC(sname, name string, pnames, snames []string, rtype *Type, ptypes []*T
if rt != "void" {
cmp := ""
if sw {
ka := ""
if !cm {
goImports["runtime"] = true
ka = "runtime.KeepAlive(o); "
if !cm && sname != "copy" && sname != "mutableCopy" {
cmp = fmt.Sprintf(`
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { return (%s)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }`,rtgt)
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { %sreturn (%s)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }`, ka, rtgt)
if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }%s`,cmp))
if ret.ptr == nil { %sreturn ret }%s`, ka, cmp))
if fin {
dbg := ""
@ -519,13 +565,25 @@ func GoToC(sname, name string, pnames, snames []string, rtype *Type, ptypes []*T
dbg2 = fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Printf("Finalizer (%s): release %%p -> %%p\n", o, o.ptr)
`, rtgt)
goImports["runtime"] = true
%sruntime.SetFinalizer(ret, func(o %s) {
})`, dbg, rtgt, dbg2))
if !cm {
goImports["runtime"] = true
return ret`)
} else {
if !cm {
goImports["runtime"] = true
return ret.String()

View File

@ -272,40 +272,46 @@ func (o *Id) NSString() *NSString {
ptypes := []*Type{nsop, nstp, tint, voidpp}
pnames := []string{"p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"}
snames := []string{"", "", "", ""}
goImports := make(map[string]bool)
chk_gotoc := func(expected string) {
chk(GoToC("myFun", "myFun", pnames, snames, rtype, ptypes, false, false, false), expected)
chk(GoToC("myFun", "myFun", pnames, snames, rtype, ptypes, false, false, false, goImports), expected)
rtype = void
chk_gotoc(`C.myFun(p1.Ptr(), p2.Ptr(), (, unsafe.Pointer(p4))`)
chk_gotoc(`C.myFun(p1.Ptr(), p2.Ptr(), (, unsafe.Pointer(p4))
rtype = bl
`ret := (C.myFun(p1.Ptr(), p2.Ptr(), (, unsafe.Pointer(p4))) != 0
return ret`)
rtype = voidpp
`ret := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(C.myFun(p1.Ptr(), p2.Ptr(), (, unsafe.Pointer(p4))))
return ret`)
rtype = nstp
`ret := &NSString{}
ret.ptr = unsafe.Pointer(C.myFun(p1.Ptr(), p2.Ptr(), (, unsafe.Pointer(p4)))
if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { return (*NSString)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
if ret.ptr == nil { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return (*NSString)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
return ret`)
rtype = nsop
`ret := &Id{}
ret.ptr = unsafe.Pointer(C.myFun(p1.Ptr(), p2.Ptr(), (, unsafe.Pointer(p4)))
if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
if ret.ptr == nil { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
return ret`)
ptypes[1].Variadic = true
@ -313,8 +319,9 @@ func (o *Id) NSString() *NSString {
`ret := &Id{}
ret.ptr = unsafe.Pointer(C.myFun(p1.Ptr(), unsafe.Pointer(&p2), (, unsafe.Pointer(p4)))
if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
if ret.ptr == nil { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
return ret`)
ptypes[1].Variadic = false
@ -334,8 +341,9 @@ func (o *Id) NSString() *NSString {
(*p2)[i].ptr = p2p[i]
if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
if ret.ptr == nil { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
return ret`)
snames[1] = ""
snames[2] = "p3p"
@ -355,11 +363,12 @@ func (o *Id) NSString() *NSString {
(*p3)[i].ptr = p3p[i]
if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
if ret.ptr == nil { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
return ret`)
chk(GoToC("myFun", "myFun", pnames, snames, rtype, ptypes, true, false, false),
chk(GoToC("myFun", "myFun", pnames, snames, rtype, ptypes, true, false, false, goImports),
`ret := &Id{}
ret.ptr = unsafe.Pointer(C.myFun(p1.Ptr(), p2.Ptr(), (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p3p[0])), p4))
(*p3) = (*p3)[:cap(*p3)]
@ -373,7 +382,8 @@ func (o *Id) NSString() *NSString {
(*p3)[i].ptr = p3p[i]
if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
if ret.ptr == nil { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return ret }
if ret.ptr == o.ptr { runtime.KeepAlive(o); return (*Id)(unsafe.Pointer(o)) }
return ret`)

View File

@ -112,11 +112,27 @@ func ArrayDeclarator(s string, n *Node) (string, *Node) {
func FunctionDeclarator(s string, n *Node) (string, *Node) {
return ChildOf(NewNode("Function"),
return ChildOf(NewNode("Function"), Seq(
))(s, n)
func Attribute(s string, n *Node) (string, *Node) {
return Seq(
ChildOf(NewNode("parens"), Parenthesized(Parenthesized(
)(s, n)
func Attr(s string, n *Node) (string, *Node) {
return NodeNamed("Attribute", OneOf(
))(s, n)
func DirectAbstractDeclarator(s string, n *Node) (string, *Node) {
return OneOf(

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ type Wrapper struct {
Subclasses map[string]*Subclass
Protocols map[string]*Protocol
Frameworks []string
Libraries []string
Frameworkdirs []string
Pragmas []string
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ type Wrapper struct {
func NewWrapper(debug bool) *Wrapper {
Debug = debug
types.Debug = Debug
//types.Debug = Debug
if Debug {
fmt.Println("// Debug mode")
@ -82,15 +83,23 @@ func (o *Id) Ptr() unsafe.Pointer { if o == nil { return nil }; return o.ptr }
func (w *Wrapper) Import(ss []string) {
if len(ss) == 0 {
for _, s := range ss {
w.cImports.WriteString("\n#import \"" + s + "\"\n")
func (w *Wrapper) SysImport(ss []string) {
if len(ss) == 0 {
for _, s := range ss {
w.cImports.WriteString("\n#import <" + s + ">\n")
func (w *Wrapper) Delegate(ds map[string]map[string][]string) {
@ -103,11 +112,11 @@ func (w *Wrapper) Subclass(ds map[string]map[string][]string) {
Overrides: []string{},
NewMethods: []string{},
if len(ds) == 0 {
if len(v) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("No superclass specified for subclass %s\n", k)
if len(ds) > 1 {
if len(v) > 1 {
fmt.Printf("Multiple inheritance not permitted for subclass %s\n", k)
@ -165,8 +174,7 @@ func (m *Method) ShouldFinalize() bool {
// NSWrap will not send a 'retain' message to these objects before returning
// them to Go.
func IsRetained(name string) bool {
return (
(len(name) >= 3 && name[:3] == "new") ||
return ((len(name) >= 3 && name[:3] == "new") ||
(len(name) >= 4 && name[:4] == "init") ||
(len(name) >= 4 && name[:4] == "copy") ||
(len(name) >= 5 && name[:5] == "alloc") ||
@ -183,7 +191,7 @@ func (i *Interface) IsRetainedProperty(name string) bool {
if p.notretained {
return false
attrs := strings.Split(p.Attr," ")
attrs := strings.Split(p.Attr, " ")
for _, a := range attrs {
if a == "retain" {
p.retained = true // cache this result
@ -195,7 +203,6 @@ func (i *Interface) IsRetainedProperty(name string) bool {
return false
//Fully disambiguated method name (m.GoName + all parameter names)
func (m *Method) LongName() string {
ret := m.GoName
@ -208,13 +215,19 @@ func (m *Method) LongName() string {
func (m *Method) HasUnsupportedType() bool {
return m.Type.IsFunction() ||
m.Type.IsFunctionPtr() ||
m.Type.CGoType() == "C.longdouble" ||
type EnumConstant struct {
name string
tp *types.Type
type Enum struct {
Name string
Type *types.Type
Constants []string
Constants []EnumConstant
type Protocol struct {
@ -291,6 +304,9 @@ func (m Method) hasUnsupportedParam() bool {
if pt := p.Type.PointsTo(); pt.IsValist() {
return true
if p.Type.CGoType() == "C.longdouble" {
return true
return false
@ -309,6 +325,8 @@ func (w Wrapper) cparamlist(m *Method) (string, string, string) {
switch {
case len(gt) > 2 && gt[:1] == "*" && types.PtrShouldWrap(gt[1:]):
tp = "void**"
case len(gt) > 3 && gt[:2] == "**":
tp = p.Type.CType()
case wp || p.Type.IsPointer() || p.Type.Variadic:
tp = "void*"
@ -377,7 +395,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) gpntp(m *Method) ([]string, []string, []string, []*types.Type,
gname = gname + "_"
if gname == "" {
gname = fmt.Sprintf("p%d",i)
gname = fmt.Sprintf("p%d", i)
ns = append(ns, gname)
pnames = append(pnames, p.Pname)
@ -403,6 +421,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) gpntp(m *Method) ([]string, []string, []string, []*types.Type,
ns[i] = ns[i] + "s"
if len(gt) > 2 && gt[:1] == "*" && types.PtrShouldWrap(gt[1:]) {
x := gt[1:]
if types.PtrIsGoInterface(x) {
x = "*Id"
@ -410,6 +429,10 @@ func (w *Wrapper) gpntp(m *Method) ([]string, []string, []string, []*types.Type,
gt = "*[]" + x
snames[i] = "goSlice" + strconv.Itoa(i)
if len(gt) > 3 && gt[:2] == "**" {
gt = "[]" + gt[1:]
snames[i] = ns[i]
ret = append(ret, ns[i]+" "+gt)
return ns, pnames, snames, tps, strings.Join(ret, ", ")
@ -428,7 +451,6 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddInterface(n *ast.ObjCInterfaceDecl) {
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("ast.ObjCInterfaceDecl: %s\n", n.Name)
w.addIntCat(n.Name, n.Children())
@ -468,9 +490,13 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddFunction(n *ast.FunctionDecl) {
fmt.Printf("FunctionDecl: %s (%s) %s\n", n.Type, m.Type.CType(), n.Name)
i := 0
a := (*Avail)(&[]AvailAttr{})
for _, c := range n.Children() {
switch x := c.(type) {
case *ast.ParmVarDecl:
if x.Type == "va_list" {
return // skip functions taking a va_list
p := &Parameter{
Vname: x.Name,
Type: types.NewTypeFromString(x.Type, ""),
@ -480,6 +506,8 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddFunction(n *ast.FunctionDecl) {
if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", p.Type.CType())
case *ast.FormatAttr:
return // skip C variadic functions
case *ast.Variadic:
p := &Parameter{
Vname: "object",
@ -488,9 +516,13 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddFunction(n *ast.FunctionDecl) {
p.Type.Variadic = true
m.Parameters = append(m.Parameters, p)
case *ast.AvailabilityAttr, *ast.UnavailableAttr, *ast.DeprecatedAttr:
if a.Available() {
w.Functions[n.Name] = m
func (w *Wrapper) AddProtocol(n *ast.ObjCProtocolDecl) {
@ -585,7 +617,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddEnum(n *ast.EnumDecl, rs []string) {
e := &Enum{
Name: n.Name, // NOTE: may be empty string
Type: tp,
Constants: []string{},
Constants: []EnumConstant{},
for _, c := range n.Children() {
switch x := c.(type) {
@ -598,7 +630,9 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddEnum(n *ast.EnumDecl, rs []string) {
if n.Name == "" && !matches(x.Name, rs) {
e.Constants = append(e.Constants, x.Name)
tp := types.NewTypeFromString(x.Type, "")
e.Constants = append(e.Constants,
EnumConstant{name: x.Name, tp: tp})
if a.Available() && len(e.Constants) > 0 {
@ -641,7 +675,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) addIntCat(name string, ns []ast.Node) {
p := &Property{
Name: x.Name,
Type: types.NewTypeFromString(x.Type,name),
Type: types.NewTypeFromString(x.Type, name),
Attr: x.Attr,
i.Properties[x.Name] = p
@ -818,7 +852,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddTypedef(n, t string) {
} else {
cgt := tp.CGoType()
if Debug {
if Debug && false {
fmt.Printf(" processing un-wrapped type for %s -> %s\n", n, cgt)
types.AddTypedef(n, tp)
@ -846,15 +880,22 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _processType(bt *types.Type) {
if gt == "" {
if gt == "LongDouble" { // not supported by cgo
if gt[0] == '*' {
if w.ProcessedTypes[gt] {
if Debug { fmt.Printf(" -- already seen\n") }
if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" -- already seen\n")
if Debug { fmt.Printf(" -- not yet seen\n") }
if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" -- not yet seen\n")
w.ProcessedTypes[gt] = true
if gt == "Char" {
@ -875,7 +916,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _processType(bt *types.Type) {
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("Writing go type for %s -> %s\n",bt.CType(),gt)
fmt.Printf("Writing go type for %s -> %s\n", bt.CType(), gt)
@ -903,7 +944,8 @@ func (c *Char) Free() {
func (w *Wrapper) StringHelpers() {
ufree := ""
if Gogc {
ufree = "utf8.Free()\n\t"
w.goImports["runtime"] = true
ufree = "utf8.Free()\n\truntime.KeepAlive(o)\n\t"
func (o *NSString) String() string {
@ -911,7 +953,7 @@ func (o *NSString) String() string {
ret := utf8.String()
%sreturn ret
`, ufree))
func (w *Wrapper) EnumeratorHelpers() {
@ -1079,7 +1121,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _processMethod(m *Method, fun bool) {
w.ProcessedClassMethods[gname] = true
} else {
var ok bool
inter,ok = w.Interfaces[m.Class]
inter, ok = w.Interfaces[m.Class]
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("Can't find interface %s for method %s\n", m.Class, m.Name)
@ -1098,17 +1140,28 @@ func %s%s(%s) %s {
vn := ns[lparm]
vn = vn[:len(vn)-1]
ns[lparm] = vn
dotptr := ""
if !fun {
dotptr = ".Ptr()"
` var %s [%d]unsafe.Pointer
for i,o := range %ss {
%s[i] = o.Ptr()
%s[i] = o%s
`, vn, w.Vaargs, vn, vn, dotptr))
if fun {
cname = "_" + cname
`, vn, w.Vaargs, vn, vn))
for i, n := range ns {
if snames[i] == "" {
gt := tps[i].GoType()
if !(len(gt) > 2 && gt[:1] == "*" && types.PtrShouldWrap(gt[1:])) {
%s := make([]unsafe.Pointer,cap(*%s))
for i := 0; i < len(*%s); i++ {
@ -1117,7 +1170,7 @@ func %s%s(%s) %s {
`, snames[i], n, n, snames[i], n))
w.goCode.WriteString(` ` +
types.GoToC(m.Name, cname, ns, snames, m.Type, tps, fun, constructor || m.ShouldFinalize(), m.ClassMethod) + "\n}\n")
types.GoToC(m.Name, cname, ns, snames, m.Type, tps, fun, constructor || m.ShouldFinalize(), m.ClassMethod, w.goImports) + "\n}\n")
cret := ""
if !m.isVoid() {
@ -1131,22 +1184,24 @@ func %s%s(%s) %s {
cns, cntps, _ := w.cparamlist(m)
if fun {
// return
if !fun || len(tps) > 0 && tps[lparm].Variadic {
%s(%s) {
`, cmtype, cname, cntps))
if len(tps) > 0 && tps[lparm].Variadic {
` %s* arr = %s;
`, tps[lparm].CType(), ns[lparm]))
switch {
case fun:
case fun && len(tps) > 0 && tps[lparm].Variadic:
w.cCode.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` %s%s(%s);
}`, cret, m.Name, cns))
case len(m.Name) >= 5 && m.Name[:5] == "alloc" && m.Class != "NSAutoreleasePool":
case !fun && len(m.Name) >= 5 && m.Name[:5] == "alloc" && m.Class != "NSAutoreleasePool":
if Autorelease {
w.cCode.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` %s[[%s %s] autorelease];
}`, cret, cobj, w.objcparamlist(m)))
@ -1154,7 +1209,7 @@ func %s%s(%s) %s {
w.cCode.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` %s[%s %s];
}`, cret, cobj, w.objcparamlist(m)))
case !fun:
//if Gogc && !m.isVoid() {
if Gogc {
rtn := ""
@ -1181,8 +1236,8 @@ func %s%s(%s) %s {
// for pointers to pointers, assume length 1 unless there is a
// parameter named "range" or "count".
rlength := "i<1"
for i,n := range pnames {
vn := strings.ReplaceAll(ns[i],"_","")
for i, n := range pnames {
vn := strings.ReplaceAll(ns[i], "_", "")
if n == "range" {
rlength = "i<" + vn + ".length"
@ -1190,11 +1245,11 @@ func %s%s(%s) %s {
rlength = "i<" + vn
for i,n := range ns {
for i, n := range ns {
if snames[i] == "" {
rtns = append(rtns,fmt.Sprintf(`
rtns = append(rtns, fmt.Sprintf(`
for(int i=0;%s;i++) {
if(%s[i] == 0) { break; }
[(id)%s[i] retain];
@ -1212,10 +1267,10 @@ func %s%s(%s) %s {
` %s@autoreleasepool {
` %s@autoreleasepool {
%s%s[%s %s]%s;%s%s
}`, retdecl, reteq, dup1, cobj, w.objcparamlist(m), dup2, rtn, strings.Join(rtns,"\n\t"), retretn))
}`, retdecl, reteq, dup1, cobj, w.objcparamlist(m), dup2, rtn, strings.Join(rtns, "\n\t"), retretn))
} else {
w.cCode.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` %s[%s %s];
}`, cret, cobj, w.objcparamlist(m)))
@ -1232,7 +1287,7 @@ func %s%s(%s) %s {
dbg2 := ""
if Debug {
dbg = fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Printf("Setting GC finalizer (%s): %%p -> %%p\n", o, o.ptr)
`, cls)
dbg2 = fmt.Sprintf(`fmt.Printf("GC finalizer (%s): release %%p -> %%p\n", o, o.ptr)
`, cls)
@ -1243,6 +1298,7 @@ func (o *%s) GC() {
%sruntime.SetFinalizer(o, func(o *%s) {
`, cls, dbg, cls, dbg2))
@ -1300,14 +1356,10 @@ func (w *Wrapper) ProcessEnum(e *Enum) {
gtp := ""
ctp := ""
if e.Name != "" {
gtp = e.Name
ctp = "C." + e.Name
} else {
if e.Type != nil {
gtp = e.Type.GoType()
ctp = e.Type.CGoType()
ctp := e.Type.CGoType()
if e.Type != nil {
if !w.ProcessedTypes[gtp] {
@ -1316,13 +1368,12 @@ type %s %s
w.ProcessedTypes[gtp] = true
gtp = gtp + " "
if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" gtp = %s; ctp = %s\n", gtp, ctp)
for _, c := range e.Constants {
w.goConst.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`const %s %s= C.%s
`, c, gtp, c))
`,, gtp,
@ -1337,6 +1388,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) MethodFromSig(sig, class string) *Method {
sig = sig[1:]
rem, n := types.MethodSignature(sig, types.NewNode("AST"))
if len(rem) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Failed to parse method signature %s (%s)\n", sig, rem)
@ -1416,7 +1468,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) ProcessSubclass(sname string, sc *Subclass) {
nms[i] = w.MethodFromSig(sig, sname)
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("ProcessSubclass(%s)\n", sname)
w._ProcessDelSub(sname, ps, nms, true)
@ -1439,8 +1491,6 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
//4. Go type
//5. Go constructor
//6. Go dispatch database for callbacks
//7. Go superclass dispatch function
//8. Methods inherited from parent class
//To create (per method):
//1. ObjC function prototypes for go exports
//2. Go callback registration functions
@ -1450,7 +1500,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
//organize output into string builders
var cprotos, ccode, gotypes, gocode, goexports strings.Builder
//set up array of methods for this delegate
//set up array of methods for this delegate or subclass
methods := []*Method{}
sms := 0 // the number of methods that have super-methods
gnames := []string{} // go names for methods
@ -1473,41 +1523,54 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
fmt.Printf("Failed to find interface %s for subclass %s\n", pname, dname)
if Debug {
//if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" subclass for %s\n", pname)
mc := NewMethodCollection(dname)
var addmeths func(s string)
addmeths = func(s string) {
if sup := types.Super(s); w.Interfaces[sup] != nil {
if Debug {
//if Debug {
fmt.Printf("Adding methods for interface %s\n", s)
for _, m := range w.Interfaces[s].InstanceMethods.Methods {
if m.Unavailable {
if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" -> %s\n", m.Name)
if matches(string(m.Name[0])+m.GoName[1:], pats) {
mc.Methods = append(mc.Methods, m)
//mc.Methods = append(mc.Methods,w.Interfaces[s].InstanceMethods...)
for _, p := range w.Interfaces[s].Protocols {
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("Adding methods for protocol %s\n", p)
for _, m := range w.Protocols[p].InstanceMethods.Methods {
if m.Unavailable {
if Debug {
fmt.Printf(" -> %s\n", m.Name)
if matches(string(m.Name[0])+m.GoName[1:], pats) {
mc.Methods = append(mc.Methods, m)
//for subclasses, add all superclass methods, depth first
ms = mc.Methods
for _, m := range ms {
fmt.Printf(" -> %s\n", m.Name)
} else { // not a subclass
proto := w.Protocols[pname]
if proto == nil {
@ -1526,30 +1589,40 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
for _, m := range ms {
//note:we may have capitalized the first character to make a GoName...
if m.HasUnsupportedType() {
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("--Method: %s\n", m.Name)
if !matches(string(m.Name[0])+m.GoName[1:], pats) {
if sub || !matches(string(m.Name[0])+m.GoName[1:], pats) {
//methods from superclass that we are not overriding
supmeths = append(supmeths,m)
supmeths = append(supmeths, m)
if !sub {
if m.HasUnsupportedType() {
methods = append(methods, m)
gnames = append(gnames, m.GoName)
if sub {
sms = len(methods)
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("sms = %d\n", sms)
//add new methods being defined for the subclass
if sub {
for _, m := range nms {
//if Debug {
fmt.Printf("Adding method %s to subclass\n", m.Name)
methods = append(methods, m)
gnames = append(gnames, strings.Title(m.Name))
} else {
nms = methods
methprotos := make([]string, len(methods)) // objc method prototypes
@ -1577,11 +1650,15 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
getypes[i] = make([]string, len(m.Parameters)+1)
vnames[i][0] = "self"
getypes[i][0] = "unsafe.Pointer"
gtypes[i] = make([]string, len(m.Parameters)+1)
if m.Name != "dealloc" {
gtypes[i][0] = gname + "Supermethods"
//if m.Name == "dealloc" {
// gtypes[i] = make([]string, len(m.Parameters))
//} else {
gtypes[i] = make([]string, len(m.Parameters)+2)
gtypes[i][0] = gname // self
gtypes[i][1] = gname + "Supermethods"
if Debug {
fmt.Printf("len gtypes[%d] = %d\n", i, len(gtypes[i]))
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", dname, m.Name)
var parms string
@ -1597,11 +1674,19 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
cparms = fmt.Sprintf("void* self, %s %s", pm.Type.Node.CType(), pm.Vname)
vnames[i][1] = pm.Vname
vpnames[i][0] = pm.Pname + ":" + pm.Vname
gtypes[i][1] = pm.Type.GoType()
//if m.Name == "dealloc" {
// gtypes[i][1] = pm.Type.GoType()
//} else {
gtypes[i][2] = pm.Type.GoType()
if pm.Type.IsPointer() {
getypes[i][1] = "unsafe.Pointer"
} else {
getypes[i][1] = gtypes[i][1]
//if m.Name == "dealloc" {
// getypes[i][1] = gtypes[i][1]
//} else {
getypes[i][1] = gtypes[i][2]
for j := 1; j < len(m.Parameters); j++ {
@ -1611,12 +1696,20 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
cparms = cparms + fmt.Sprintf(", %s %s", pm.Type.Node.CType(), pm.Vname)
vnames[i][j+1] = pm.Vname
vpnames[i][j] = pm.Pname + ":" + pm.Vname
gtypes[i][j+1] = pm.Type.GoType()
//if m.Name == "dealloc" {
// gtypes[i][j+1] = pm.Type.GoType()
//} else {
gtypes[i][j+2] = pm.Type.GoType()
var getp string
if pm.Type.IsPointer() {
getp = "unsafe.Pointer"
} else {
getp = gtypes[i][j+1]
//if m.Name == "dealloc" {
// getp = gtypes[i][j+1]
//} else {
getp = gtypes[i][j+2]
getypes[i][j+1] = getp
@ -1642,7 +1735,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
if i < sms {
_, cntps, _ := w.cparamlist(m)
sfunprotos[i] = fmt.Sprintf(
`%s %s_super_%s(%s);`, ct, dname, m.Name, cntps)
`%s %s_super_%s(%s);`, ct, dname, m.GoName, cntps)
crtypes[i] = m.Type.CTypeAttrib()
if m.Type.IsPointer() {
@ -1666,26 +1759,26 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
{ }
`, dname, supcls, protos, strings.Join(methprotos, "\n")))
havesupmethods := sms > 0
//havesupmethods := sms > 0
if sub {
for i, sp := range smethprotos {
if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
for _, sp := range smethprotos {
//if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
ccode.WriteString(sp + "\n")
} else {
if sms == 1 {
havesupmethods = false
//} else {
// if sms == 1 {
// havesupmethods = false
// }
if sub {
for i, sf := range sfunprotos {
if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
for _, sf := range sfunprotos {
//if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
ccode.WriteString(sf + "\n")
@ -1725,13 +1818,18 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
%s[super %s];
`, smp, ret, strings.Join(vpnames[i], " "))
`, smp, ret, strings.Join(vpnames[i], " "))
var arp1, arp2 string
if vpnames[i][0] != "alloc" {
arp1 = "@autoreleasepool {\n\t\t"
arp2 = "\t}\n"
sfundecls[i] = fmt.Sprintf(`
%s[(%s*)o super_%s];
`, sfp, ret, dname, strings.Join(vpnames[i], " "))
%s%s[(%s*)o super_%s];
`, sfp, arp1, ret, dname, strings.Join(vpnames[i], " "), arp2)
@ -1739,20 +1837,20 @@ func (w *Wrapper) _ProcessDelSub(dname string, ps map[string][]string, nms []*Me
`, dname, strings.Join(methdecls, "\n")))
if sub {
for i, sm := range smethdecls {
if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
for _, sm := range smethdecls {
//if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
ccode.WriteString(sm + "\n")
if sub {
for i, sf := range sfundecls {
if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
for _, sf := range sfundecls {
//if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
ccode.WriteString(sf + "\n")
@ -1790,9 +1888,11 @@ void*
if Gogc {
w.goImports["runtime"] = true
if Debug { w.goImports["fmt"] = true }
if Debug {
w.goImports["fmt"] = true
finalizer = fmt.Sprintf(
`if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }
`if ret.ptr == nil { return ret }
%sruntime.SetFinalizer(ret,func(o *%s) {
@ -1826,15 +1926,18 @@ func (o *%s) GC() {
dispitems := make([]string, len(gnames))
sdispitems := make([]string, sms)
for i, n := range gnames {
if !sub || sms == 0 {
gtypes[i] = gtypes[i][1:]
if !sub || sms == 0 { // || !havesupmethods {
gtypes[i] = append(gtypes[i][0:1], gtypes[i][2:]...)
//if sub && !havesupmethods {
// gtypes[i] = append(gtypes[i][:1],gtypes[i][2:]...)
// fmt.Printf("len gtypes[%d] = %d\n", i, len(gtypes[i]))
dispitems[i] = fmt.Sprintf(
` %s func(%s)%s`, n, strings.Join(gtypes[i], ", "), grtypes[i])
if sub && i < sms && methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
if sub && i < sms { // && methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
sdispitems[i] = fmt.Sprintf(
` %s func(%s)%s
`, n, strings.Join(gtypes[i][1:], ", "), grtypes[i])
`, n, strings.Join(gtypes[i][2:], ", "), grtypes[i])
@ -1845,12 +1948,12 @@ var %sLookup = map[unsafe.Pointer]%sDispatch{}
var %sMux sync.RWMutex
`, gname, strings.Join(dispitems, "\n"), gname, gname, gname))
w.goImports["sync"] = true
if sub && sms > 0 && havesupmethods {
if sub && sms > 0 { // && havesupmethods {
type %sSupermethods struct {
`, gname, strings.Join(sdispitems, "")))
`, gname, strings.Join(sdispitems, "")))
//To create (per method):
@ -1872,18 +1975,21 @@ func (d %s) %sCallback(f func(%s)%s) {
`, gname, gnames[i], strings.Join(gtypes[i], ", "), grtypes[i], gname, gname, gnames[i], gname, gname))
//3. Go exported callback function wrappers
earglist := []string{"o unsafe.Pointer"}
garglist := []string{}
garglist := []string{"self"}
gargconv := []string{}
if sub && sms > 0 && m.Name != "dealloc" {
garglist = []string{"super"}
if sub && sms > 0 { // && m.Name != "dealloc" {
garglist = []string{"self", "super"}
for j := 1; j < len(vnames[i]); j++ {
earglist = append(earglist, vnames[i][j]+" "+getypes[i][j])
var gt2 string
if sub {
gt2 = gtypes[i][j]
//fmt.Printf("%d %d\n",i,j)
gt2 = gtypes[i][j+1]
} else {
gt2 = gtypes[i][j-1]
gt2 = gtypes[i][j]
//gt2 = gtypes[i][j]
if types.PtrIsGoInterface(gt2) {
gt2 = "*Id"
@ -1920,20 +2026,18 @@ func (d %s) %sCallback(f func(%s)%s) {
sdispentries := make([]string, sms)
for i, _ := range sdispentries {
if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
//if methods[i].Name != "dealloc" {
sdispentries[i] = fmt.Sprintf(
` self.Super%s,
`, gnames[i])
sper := ""
if sub && sms > 0 && m.Name != "dealloc" {
if sub && sms > 0 { //&& m.Name != "dealloc" {
sper = fmt.Sprintf(
` self := %s{}
self.ptr = o
super := %sSupermethods{
` super := %sSupermethods{
%s }
`, gname, gname, strings.Join(sdispentries, ""))
`, gname, strings.Join(sdispentries, ""))
if len(gargconv) > 0 {
retn = "\n " + retn
@ -1947,16 +2051,18 @@ func %s%s(%s)%s {
%scb := %sLookup[o].%s
if cb == nil { return%s }
self := %s{}
self.ptr = o
`, gname, gnames[i], gname, gnames[i], strings.Join(earglist, ", "), crtype, gname, retdecl, gname, gnames[i], gname, retname, sper, strings.Join(gargconv, "\n"), retn, strings.Join(garglist, ", "), retnparen))
`, gname, gnames[i], gname, gnames[i], strings.Join(earglist, ", "), crtype, gname, retdecl, gname, gnames[i], gname, retname, gname, sper, strings.Join(gargconv, "\n"), retn, strings.Join(garglist, ", "), retnparen))
//4. Go wrapper functions for superclass methods
if !sub || i >= sms {
} // for subclasses only
if m.Name == "dealloc" {
//if m.Name == "dealloc" {
// continue
grtype := m.Type.GoType()
if grtype == "Void" {
grtype = ""
@ -1984,7 +2090,7 @@ func (o *%s) Super%s(%s) %s {
`, vn, w.Vaargs, vn, vn))
gocode.WriteString("\t" + types.GoToC(m.Name, dname+"_super_"+m.Name, ns, snames, m.Type, tps, false, m.ShouldFinalize(), m.ClassMethod) + "\n}\n")
gocode.WriteString("\t" + types.GoToC(m.Name, dname+"_super_"+m.GoName, ns, snames, m.Type, tps, false, m.ShouldFinalize(), m.ClassMethod, w.goImports) + "\n}\n")
@ -1994,8 +2100,8 @@ func (o *%s) Super%s(%s) %s {
// add methods from parent class that we are not overriding
for _,m := range supmeths {
for _, m := range supmeths {
w.ProcessMethodForClass(m, dname)
@ -2058,7 +2164,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddProtocolMethods(i *Interface, p *Protocol) {
Vname: p.Vname,
Type: p.Type.CloneToClass(i.Name),
m2.Parameters = append(m2.Parameters,p2)
m2.Parameters = append(m2.Parameters, p2)
mc.Methods = append(mc.Methods, m2)
@ -2068,24 +2174,24 @@ func (w *Wrapper) AddProtocolMethods(i *Interface, p *Protocol) {
func printDebug() {
fmt.Printf("ShouldWrap(NSString) = %t\n",types.ShouldWrap("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("ShouldWrap(*NSString) = %t\n",types.ShouldWrap("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("IsGoInterface(NSObject) = %t\n",types.IsGoInterface("NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("IsGoInterface(*NSObject) = %t\n",types.IsGoInterface("*NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("IsGoInterface(NSString) = %t\n",types.IsGoInterface("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("IsGoInterface(*NSString) = %t\n",types.IsGoInterface("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("PtrShouldWrap(NSString) = %t\n",types.PtrShouldWrap("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("PtrShouldWrap(*NSString) = %t\n",types.PtrShouldWrap("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("PtrIsGoInterface(NSObject) = %t\n",types.PtrIsGoInterface("NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("PtrIsGoInterface(*NSObject) = %t\n",types.PtrIsGoInterface("*NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("PtrIsGoInterface(NSString) = %t\n",types.PtrIsGoInterface("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("PtrIsGoInterface(*NSString) = %t\n",types.PtrIsGoInterface("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("Super(NSString) = %s\n",types.Super("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("Super(*NSString) = %s\n",types.Super("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("Super(NSObject) = %s\n",types.Super("NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("Super(*NSObject) = %s\n",types.Super("*NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("Super(NSString*) = %s\n",types.Super("NSString*"))
fmt.Printf("Super(NSObject*) = %s\n",types.Super("NSObject*"))
fmt.Printf("ShouldWrap(NSString) = %t\n", types.ShouldWrap("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("ShouldWrap(*NSString) = %t\n", types.ShouldWrap("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("IsGoInterface(NSObject) = %t\n", types.IsGoInterface("NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("IsGoInterface(*NSObject) = %t\n", types.IsGoInterface("*NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("IsGoInterface(NSString) = %t\n", types.IsGoInterface("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("IsGoInterface(*NSString) = %t\n", types.IsGoInterface("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("PtrShouldWrap(NSString) = %t\n", types.PtrShouldWrap("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("PtrShouldWrap(*NSString) = %t\n", types.PtrShouldWrap("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("PtrIsGoInterface(NSObject) = %t\n", types.PtrIsGoInterface("NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("PtrIsGoInterface(*NSObject) = %t\n", types.PtrIsGoInterface("*NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("PtrIsGoInterface(NSString) = %t\n", types.PtrIsGoInterface("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("PtrIsGoInterface(*NSString) = %t\n", types.PtrIsGoInterface("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("Super(NSString) = %s\n", types.Super("NSString"))
fmt.Printf("Super(*NSString) = %s\n", types.Super("*NSString"))
fmt.Printf("Super(NSObject) = %s\n", types.Super("NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("Super(*NSObject) = %s\n", types.Super("*NSObject"))
fmt.Printf("Super(NSString*) = %s\n", types.Super("NSString*"))
fmt.Printf("Super(NSObject*) = %s\n", types.Super("NSObject*"))
func (w *Wrapper) Wrap(toproc []string) {
@ -2143,7 +2249,7 @@ func (w *Wrapper) Wrap(toproc []string) {
fmt.Printf("Failed to find protocol %s for interface %s\n", p, i.Name)
w.AddProtocolMethods(i, prot)
@ -2191,6 +2297,13 @@ func (w *Wrapper) Wrap(toproc []string) {
ldflags = "-framework " + strings.Join(w.Frameworks, " -framework ")
if len(w.Frameworks) > 0 {
if w.Libraries != nil && len(w.Libraries) > 0 {
ldflags = ldflags + "-l" + strings.Join(w.Libraries, " -l")
if w.Frameworkdirs != nil && len(w.Frameworkdirs) > 0 {
s := strings.Join(w.Frameworkdirs, " -F")
w.cgoFlags.WriteString(" -F" + s)
@ -2205,12 +2318,12 @@ func (w *Wrapper) Wrap(toproc []string) {
of.WriteString(w.cgoFlags.String() + "\n")
of.WriteString(w.cImports.String() + "\n")
imports := []string{}
for k := range w.goImports {
imports = append(imports,"\t\"" + k + "\"")
imports = append(imports, "\t\""+k+"\"")
startThread := ""
goInit := ""
@ -2227,16 +2340,15 @@ func init() {
import "C"
import (
%s`, startThread, strings.Join(imports, "\n"), goInit))