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2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
package ble
import "C"
import (
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
// Types required for ble.go
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type bleState ns.CBManagerState
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2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
type bleHandle struct {
cd *ns.CBDelegate
cm *ns.CBCentralManager
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type Peripheral struct {
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
Name string
RSSI int
Identifier string
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
p *ns.CBPeripheral
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
type Service *ns.CBService
type Characteristic *ns.CBCharacteristic
// Internal global variables
var cdLookup map[unsafe.Pointer]*BLE
var pdLookup map[unsafe.Pointer]*BLE
var pcache map[unsafe.Pointer]*Peripheral
// Functions required by API
//peripheralLookup returns a pointer to a BLE struct related to the given
func peripheralLookup(p Peripheral) *BLE {
return pdLookup[p.p.Ptr()]
//newPeripheral creates a new Peripheral struct
func newPeripheral(x *ns.CBPeripheral) Peripheral {
if pcache == nil {
pcache = make(map[unsafe.Pointer]*Peripheral)
} else {
if ret,ok := pcache[x.Ptr()]; ok {
return *ret
ret := Peripheral{
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
Name: peripheralName(x),
Identifier: x.Identifier().UUIDString().String(),
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
p: x,
pcache[x.Ptr()] = &ret
return ret
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
func (p Peripheral) IsIncomplete() bool {
return p.p == nil
func (x Peripheral) Retain() {
//NOTE: ns.ObjectAtIndex() calls SetFinalizer for us, which will be a problem
//later when we call GC(), so we always first clear the finalizer before
//setting a new one.
runtime.SetFinalizer(x.p, nil)
//stringState returns a string version of the BLE state
func (b *BLE) stringState() string {
x := b.state
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
switch (ns.NSInteger)(x) {
case ns.CBManagerStateResetting:
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
return "resetting"
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
case ns.CBManagerStateUnsupported:
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
return "unsupported"
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
case ns.CBManagerStateUnauthorized:
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
return "unauthorized"
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
case ns.CBManagerStatePoweredOff:
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
return "powered off"
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
case ns.CBManagerStatePoweredOn:
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
return "powered on"
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
case ns.CBManagerStateUnknown:
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
return "unknown"
return "no state"
//readyToScan returns true if the hardware is ready to initiate a scan
func (b *BLE) readyToScan() bool {
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
return b.state == (bleState)(ns.CBManagerStatePoweredOn)
//scan puts the BLE hardware into scanning mode
func (b *BLE) scan() {
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00, nil)
//stopScan stops a scan in progress
func (b *BLE) stopScan() {
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
//connectPeripheral attempts to connect to a Peripheral
func (b *BLE) connectPeripheral(x Peripheral) {
fmt.Printf("BLE.Connect(): calling cm.ConnectPeripheral(%p)\n", x.p.Ptr())
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00, nil)
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
//cancelConnection cancels an in-progress connection attempt
func (b *BLE) cancelConnection(p Peripheral) {
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2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
//knownPeripheral returns a Peripheral that is known to the system without
func (b *BLE) knownPeripheral(p Peripheral) (Peripheral, bool) {
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
ps :=
if x := (int)(ps.Count()); x > 0 {
fmt.Printf("--found %d\n", x)
cbp := ps.ObjectAtIndex(0).CBPeripheral()
return newPeripheral(cbp), true
} else {
fmt.Printf("--none found\n")
return p, false
//DiscoverServices asks a Peripheral for its Services
func (x Peripheral) DiscoverServices() {
fmt.Printf("Discovering services on %s\n", x.Name)
// discover all services on this device
//DiscoverCharacteristics asks a Peripheral for the Characteristics related
//to a Service
func (p Peripheral) DiscoverCharacteristics(serv Service) {
p.p.DiscoverCharacteristics(nil, serv)
//SetNotifyValue subscribes to a characteristic
func (p Peripheral) SetNotifyValue(c Characteristic) {
p.p.SetNotifyValue(1, c)
//NewBLE returns a pointer to a BLE struct after setting up the OS
//Bluetooth API.
func NewBLE() *BLE {
ps := Peripherals{items: make([]PeripheralListItem, 0)}
ble := &BLE{events: make(chan interface{}), peripherals: ps}
queue := ns.DispatchQueueCreate(ns.CharWithGoString("go_hrm_queue"), nil)
cd := ns.CBDelegateAlloc()
cd.PeripheralDidUpdateValueForCharacteristicCallback(didUpdateValue) = cd
if cdLookup == nil {
cdLookup = make(map[unsafe.Pointer]*BLE, 0)
if pdLookup == nil {
pdLookup = make(map[unsafe.Pointer]*BLE, 0)
// We defined our own queue because this won't work on the main queue. = ns.CBCentralManagerAlloc().InitWithDelegateQueue(cd, queue)
cdLookup[] = ble
// For debugging purposes, run GC every second to make sure things are
// not over-released.
go func() {
for {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
return ble
//Enable is not required for Darwin.
func (b *BLE) Enable(w *app.Window) {
// Core Bluetooth callback functions
func didUpdateState(c *ns.CBCentralManager) {
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
b := cdLookup[c.Ptr()]
st := c.CBManager.State()
if st == (ns.CBManagerState)(ns.CBManagerStatePoweredOn) {
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
b.ready = true
b.connections.close = make(chan struct{})
} else {
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
if b.ready {
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
for _, item := range b.connections.items {
fmt.Printf("Closing connection to %s\n", item.p.Name)
2019-10-28 11:21:14 -04:00
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
b.connections.items = b.connections.items[:0]
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
b.ready = false
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
b.setState(st) <- UpdateStateEvent{State: b.stringState()}
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
func didDiscoverPeripheral(c *ns.CBCentralManager, p *ns.CBPeripheral, d *ns.NSDictionary, rssi *ns.NSNumber) {
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
b := cdLookup[c.Ptr()]
peripheral := newPeripheral(p)
peripheral.RSSI = (int)(rssi.IntValue())
_didDiscoverPeripheral(b, peripheral)
func _didDiscoverPeripheral(b *BLE, peripheral Peripheral) {
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
if peripheral.Name == "" {
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
if ok := b.peripherals.Add(peripheral); ok {
pdLookup[peripheral.p.Ptr()] = b <- DiscoverPeripheralEvent{Peripheral: peripheral}
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
func didConnectPeripheral(c *ns.CBCentralManager, p *ns.CBPeripheral) {
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
fmt.Printf("Did connect peripheral\n")
b := cdLookup[c.Ptr()]
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
// set ourselves up as a peripheral delegate
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2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
uuidstring := p.Identifier().UUIDString().String()
peripheral := newPeripheral(p)
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found := false
for _, item := range b.peripherals.items {
if item.p.Identifier == uuidstring {
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
peripheral = item.p
found = true
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
if !found {
peripheral.Name = peripheralName(p)
if ok := b.peripherals.Add(peripheral); ok {
pdLookup[p.Ptr()] = b
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
2019-10-24 17:00:54 -04:00
b.connections.UpdateState(peripheral, "connected") <- ConnectEvent{peripheral}
fmt.Printf("Go: didConnectPeripheral returning\n")
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func didDiscoverServices(p *ns.CBPeripheral, e *ns.NSError) {
b := pdLookup[p.Ptr()]
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
fmt.Printf("Did discover services\n")
p.Services().ObjectEnumerator().ForIn(func(o *ns.Id) bool {
serv := o.CBService()
uuid := serv.UUID().UUIDString().String() <-DiscoverServiceEvent{
Peripheral: newPeripheral(p),
Gatt: gatt.Service{uuid},
Service: serv,
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
return true
fmt.Printf("Go: didDiscoverServices returning\n")
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
func didDiscoverCharacteristics(p *ns.CBPeripheral, s *ns.CBService, e *ns.NSError) {
b := pdLookup[p.Ptr()]
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
fmt.Printf("Did discover characteristics\n")
s.Characteristics().ObjectEnumerator().ForIn(func(o *ns.Id) bool {
chr := o.CBCharacteristic()
chuuid := chr.UUID()
fmt.Printf("------%s\n", chuuid.UUIDString()) <-DiscoverCharacteristicEvent{
Peripheral: newPeripheral(p),
Service: s,
Characteristic: chr,
Gatt: gatt.Characteristic{chuuid.UUIDString().String()},
return true
fmt.Printf("Go: didDiscoverCharacteristics returning\n")
2019-10-23 18:28:19 -04:00
func didUpdateValue(p *ns.CBPeripheral, chr *ns.CBCharacteristic, e *ns.NSError) {
b := pdLookup[p.Ptr()]
v := chr.Value() <-UpdateValueEvent{
Peripheral: newPeripheral(p),
Characteristic: chr,
Data: C.GoBytes(v.Bytes(), (,
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// internal convenience functions
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func peripheralName(p *ns.CBPeripheral) string {
var ret string
nsname := p.Name()
if nsname.Ptr() != nil {
ret = nsname.String()
return ret
func (b *BLE) setState(x ns.CBManagerState) {
defer b.Unlock()
b.state = (bleState)(x)
if b.ready && b.wantScan {
fmt.Printf("Go: Scanning\n")
b.wantScan = false
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