
545 lines
13 KiB

// +build darwin linux
package main
import (
type conf struct {
StoreDir string
func main() {
var fd *os.File
confFile := path.Join(confDir, "config.yml")
if _, err := os.Stat(confFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fd, err = os.Create(confFile)
if err != nil {
log(Fatal, "Cannot create configuration file: ", err)
confbytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(confFile)
if err != nil {
log(Fatal, "Cannot read configuration file: ", err)
if err = yaml.UnmarshalStrict(confbytes, &Config); err != nil {
log(Fatal, "Cannot parse configuration file: ", err)
store.Dir = Config.StoreDir
log(Info, " StoreDir = ", store.Dir)
err = passgo.GetStore(&store)
if err != nil {
log(Fatal, err)
if fd != nil { // we still have an empty conf file open:
Config.StoreDir = store.Dir
reload = make(chan struct{})
updated = make(chan struct{})
passch = make(chan []byte)
go Updater()
log(Info, "Staring event loop")
go eventLoop()
log(Info, "Event loop returned")
var (
Config conf
l []passgo.Pass
mux sync.Mutex
store passgo.Store
reload chan struct{}
updated chan struct{}
passch chan []byte
black = color.RGBA{A: 0xff, R: 0, G: 0, B: 0}
white = color.RGBA{A: 0xff, R: 0xff, G: 0xff, B: 0xff}
gray = color.RGBA{A: 0xff, R: 0xf0, G: 0xf0, B: 0xf0}
darkgray = color.RGBA{A: 0xff, R: 0xa0, G: 0xa0, B: 0xa0}
func Updater() {
update := func() {
ltmp, err := store.List()
if err != nil {
log(Info, err)
l = ltmp
updated <- struct{}{}
watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
log(Fatal, err)
for {
select {
case <-reload:
case <-watcher.Events:
case e := <-watcher.Errors:
log(Info, "Watcher error: ", e)
func saveConf(fds ...*os.File) {
var fd *os.File
var err error
if len(fds) > 0 && fds[0] != nil {
fd = fds[0]
} else {
fd, err = os.Create(path.Join(confDir, "config.yml"))
if err != nil {
log(Fatal, "Cannot open config file: ", err)
confbytes, err := yaml.Marshal(Config)
if err != nil {
log(Fatal, "Cannot save configuration: ", err)
_, err = fd.Write(confbytes)
if err != nil {
log(Fatal, "Cannot write to configuration: ", err)
type Overlay struct {
Face text.Face
Text string
Click gesture.Click
Color color.RGBA
Background color.RGBA
Alignment text.Alignment
func (b *Overlay) Layout(c ui.Config, ops *ui.Ops, cs layout.Constraints) layout.Dimensions {
ins := layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(1))
cs = ins.Begin(c, ops, cs)
var dims layout.Dimensions
st := layout.Stack{}
st.Init(ops, cs)
cs = st.Rigid()
l := text.Label{
Face: b.Face,
Text: b.Text,
Alignment: b.Alignment,
ins := layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(4))
paint.ColorOp{Color: b.Color}.Add(ops)
dims = ins.End(l.Layout(ops, ins.Begin(c, ops, cs)))
pointer.RectAreaOp{image.Rect(0, 0, dims.Size.X, dims.Size.Y)}.Add(ops)
c2 := st.End(dims)
c1 := st.End(layoutRRect(b.Background, c, ops, st.Expand()))
dims = st.Layout(c1, c2)
return ins.End(dims)
type Button struct {
Face text.Face
Label string
Click gesture.Click
Color color.RGBA
Background color.RGBA
Alignment text.Alignment
clicked bool
func layoutRRect(col color.RGBA, c ui.Config, ops *ui.Ops, cs layout.Constraints) layout.Dimensions {
r := float32(c.Px(ui.Dp(4)))
sz := image.Point{X: cs.Width.Min, Y: cs.Height.Min}
w, h := float32(sz.X), float32(sz.Y)
rrect(ops, w, h, r, r, r, r)
paint.ColorOp{Color: col}.Add(ops)
paint.PaintOp{Rect: f32.Rectangle{Max: f32.Point{X: w, Y: h}}}.Add(ops)
return layout.Dimensions{Size: sz}
func rrect(ops *ui.Ops, width, height, se, sw, nw, ne float32) {
w, h := float32(width), float32(height)
const c = 0.55228475 // 4*(sqrt(2)-1)/3
var b paint.PathBuilder
b.Move(f32.Point{X: w, Y: h - se})
b.Cube(f32.Point{X: 0, Y: se * c}, f32.Point{X: -se + se*c, Y: se}, f32.Point{X: -se, Y: se}) // SE
b.Line(f32.Point{X: sw - w + se, Y: 0})
b.Cube(f32.Point{X: -sw * c, Y: 0}, f32.Point{X: -sw, Y: -sw + sw*c}, f32.Point{X: -sw, Y: -sw}) // SW
b.Line(f32.Point{X: 0, Y: nw - h + sw})
b.Cube(f32.Point{X: 0, Y: -nw * c}, f32.Point{X: nw - nw*c, Y: -nw}, f32.Point{X: nw, Y: -nw}) // NW
b.Line(f32.Point{X: w - ne - nw, Y: 0})
b.Cube(f32.Point{X: ne * c, Y: 0}, f32.Point{X: ne, Y: ne - ne*c}, f32.Point{X: ne, Y: ne}) // NE
func (b *Button) Layout(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, cs layout.Constraints) layout.Dimensions {
b.clicked = false
for ev, ok := b.Click.Next(q); ok; ev, ok = b.Click.Next(q) {
if ev.Type == gesture.TypeClick {
b.clicked = true
ins := layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(1))
cs = ins.Begin(c, ops, cs)
var dims layout.Dimensions
st := layout.Stack{}
st.Init(ops, cs)
cs = st.Rigid()
l := text.Label{
Face: b.Face,
Text: b.Label,
Alignment: b.Alignment,
ins := layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(4))
paint.ColorOp{Color: b.Color}.Add(ops)
dims = ins.End(l.Layout(ops, ins.Begin(c, ops, cs)))
pointer.RectAreaOp{image.Rect(0, 0, dims.Size.X, dims.Size.Y)}.Add(ops)
c2 := st.End(dims)
c1 := st.End(layoutRRect(b.Background, c, ops, st.Expand()))
dims = st.Layout(c1, c2)
return ins.End(dims)
func (b *Button) Clicked() bool {
return b.clicked
func eventLoop() {
w := app.NewWindow(app.WithWidth(ui.Dp(250)))
q := w.Queue()
var c ui.Config
ops := new(ui.Ops)
var dims layout.Dimensions
var cs layout.Constraints
var margincs layout.Constraints
var faces measure.Faces
var c1 layout.FlexChild // flex child for title bar
face := faces.For(regular, ui.Sp(16))
margin := layout.UniformInset(ui.Dp(10))
title := &text.Label{Face: face, Text: "passgo"}
dotsbtn := &Button{
Face: face,
Label: "\xe2\x8b\xae",
Alignment: text.End,
Color: black,
Background: gray,
titleflex := &layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Horizontal}
flex := &layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Vertical}
passInput := &text.Editor{Face: face, SingleLine: true}
passSubmit := &Button{Face: face, Label: "submit", Color: black}
lst := &layout.List{Axis: layout.Vertical}
passBtns := make([]*Button, 0)
_ = passInput
_ = passSubmit
pathnames := make([]string, 0)
copied := &Overlay{Face: face, Text: "copied to clipboard",
Color: black,
Background: darkgray,
Alignment: text.Middle,
var copiedWhen time.Time
updateBtns := func() {
passBtns = passBtns[:0]
pathnames = pathnames[:0]
for _, x := range l {
_, n := path.Split(x.Pathname)
s := strings.Repeat(" /", x.Level)
z := ""
if x.Dir {
z = "/"
passBtns = append(passBtns, &Button{
Face: face,
Label: strings.Join([]string{s, n, z}, ""),
Background: gray,
pathnames = append(pathnames, x.Pathname)
confBtn := &Button{
Face: face,
Label: "configure",
Alignment: text.Middle,
Color: black,
Background: gray,
storeDirLabel := &text.Label{Face: face, Text: "Store directory"}
storeDirEd := &text.Editor{Face: face, SingleLine: true}
saveBtn := &Button{
Face: face,
Label: "save",
Alignment: text.End,
Color: black,
Background: gray,
backBtn := &Button{
Face: face,
Label: "back",
Alignment: text.End,
Color: black,
Background: gray,
promptLabel := &text.Label{Face: face, Text: "passphrase"}
promptEd := &text.Editor{Face: face, SingleLine: true}
okBtn := &Button{
Face: face,
Label: "ok",
Alignment: text.End,
Color: black,
Background: gray,
anim := &time.Ticker{}
animating := false
animOn := func() {
anim = time.NewTicker(time.Second / 120)
animating = true
animOff := func() {
animating = false
var listPage, confPage, promptPage, page func()
prompt := func() []byte {
page = promptPage
return <-passch
listPage = func() {
cs = flex.Flexible(1.0)
if lst.Dragging() {
var c2 layout.FlexChild
if len(passBtns) == 0 {
c2 = flex.End(confBtn.Layout(c, q, ops, cs))
if confBtn.Clicked() {
log(Info, "Configure")
page = confPage
} else {
for lst.Init(c, q, ops, cs, len(passBtns)); lst.More(); lst.Next() {
i := lst.Index()
btn := passBtns[i]
dims = btn.Layout(c, q, ops, lst.Constraints())
if btn.Clicked() {
log(Info, "Clicked ", btn.Label)
// don't block UI thread on decryption attempt
go func(name string) {
p,err := store.Decrypt(name, prompt)
//p, err := store.Decrypt(name)
if err == nil {
copiedWhen = time.Now()
} else {
log(Info, "Can't decrypt ", name)
log(Info, err)
c2 = flex.End(lst.Layout())
if dotsbtn.Clicked() {
log(Info, "Configure")
page = confPage
flex.Layout(c1, c2)
x := time.Since(copiedWhen).Seconds()
start, end := 1.5, 1.75
switch {
case x > start && x < end:
fade := (end - x) / (end - start)
copied.Color.R = uint8(float64(black.R) * fade)
copied.Color.G = uint8(float64(black.G) * fade)
copied.Color.B = uint8(float64(black.B) * fade)
copied.Color.A = uint8(float64(black.A) * fade)
copied.Background.R = uint8(float64(darkgray.R) * fade)
copied.Background.G = uint8(float64(darkgray.G) * fade)
copied.Background.B = uint8(float64(darkgray.B) * fade)
copied.Background.A = uint8(float64(darkgray.A) * fade)
case x <= start:
cs = margincs
al := layout.Align{Alignment: layout.SE}
cs = al.Begin(ops, cs)
cs.Width.Min = cs.Width.Max
dims = al.End(copied.Layout(c, ops, cs))
case animating:
copied.Color = black
copied.Background = darkgray
confPage = func() {
cs = flex.Rigid()
c2 := flex.End(storeDirLabel.Layout(ops, cs))
cs = flex.Rigid()
c3 := flex.End(storeDirEd.Layout(c, q, ops, cs))
cs = flex.Rigid()
al := &layout.Align{Alignment: layout.E}
cs = al.Begin(ops, cs)
btnflx := &layout.Flex{Axis: layout.Horizontal}
btnflx.Init(ops, cs)
cs = btnflx.Rigid()
bc1 := btnflx.End(backBtn.Layout(c, q, ops, cs))
cs = btnflx.Rigid()
bc2 := btnflx.End(saveBtn.Layout(c, q, ops, cs))
dims = btnflx.Layout(bc1, bc2)
c4 := flex.End(al.End(dims))
flex.Layout(c1, c2, c3, c4)
if backBtn.Clicked() {
log(Info, "Back")
page = listPage
if saveBtn.Clicked() {
log(Info, "Save")
go func() { // do not block UI thread
store.Dir = storeDirEd.Text()
Config.StoreDir = store.Dir
reload <- struct{}{}
page = listPage
promptPage = func() {
cs = flex.Rigid()
c2 := flex.End(promptLabel.Layout(ops, cs))
cs = flex.Rigid()
c3 := flex.End(promptEd.Layout(c, q, ops, cs))
cs = flex.Rigid()
al := &layout.Align{Alignment: layout.E}
cs = al.Begin(ops, cs)
c4 := flex.End(al.End(okBtn.Layout(c, q, ops, cs)))
flex.Layout(c1, c2, c3, c4)
if okBtn.Clicked() {
log(Info, "Ok")
go func() { // do not block UI thread
passch <-[]byte(promptEd.Text())
page = listPage
if backBtn.Clicked() {
log(Info, "Back")
go func() {
passch <- nil // cancel prompt
page = listPage
page = listPage
for {
select {
case <-updated:
log(Info, "UPDATE")
case <-anim.C:
case e := <-w.Events():
switch e := e.(type) {
case app.DestroyEvent:
case app.UpdateEvent:
c = &e.Config
cs = layout.RigidConstraints(e.Size)
cs = margin.Begin(c, ops, cs)
margincs = cs
flex.Init(ops, cs)
cs = flex.Rigid()
titleflex.Init(ops, cs)
cs = titleflex.Rigid()
ct2 := titleflex.End(dotsbtn.Layout(c, q, ops, cs))
cs = titleflex.Flexible(1.0)
cs.Width.Min = cs.Width.Max
ct1 := titleflex.End(title.Layout(ops, cs))
c1 = flex.End(titleflex.Layout(ct1, ct2))