Greg 977a09e77e Better handling of multiple classes and input files. Handle
Objective C type parameter declarations. Check Typedefs when
determining if a Type is a pointer or a function.
2019-04-26 22:44:30 -04:00

81 lines
2.1 KiB

package ast
import (
// ObjCTypeParamDecl is node represents a parameter of variable declaration.
type ObjCTypeParamDecl struct {
Addr Address
Pos Position
Position2 string
Name string
Type string
Type2 string
IsReferenced bool
IsCovariant bool
IsBounded bool
ChildNodes []Node
func parseObjCTypeParamDecl(line string) *ObjCTypeParamDecl {
groups := groupsFromRegex(
(?P<position2> [^ ]+:[\d:]+)?
(?P<referenced> referenced)?
(?P<name> \w+)?
(?P<covariant> covariant)?
(?P<bounded> bounded)?
type2 := groups["type2"]
if type2 != "" {
type2 = type2[2 : len(type2)-1]
if strings.Index(groups["position"], "<invalid sloc>") > -1 {
groups["position"] = "<invalid sloc>"
groups["position2"] = "<invalid sloc>"
return &ObjCTypeParamDecl{
Addr: ParseAddress(groups["address"]),
Pos: NewPositionFromString(groups["position"]),
Position2: strings.TrimSpace(groups["position2"]),
Name: strings.TrimSpace(groups["name"]),
Type: groups["type"],
Type2: type2,
IsReferenced: len(groups["referenced"]) > 0,
IsCovariant: len(groups["covariant"]) > 0,
IsBounded : len(groups["bounded"]) > 0,
ChildNodes: []Node{},
// AddChild adds a new child node. Child nodes can then be accessed with the
// Children attribute.
func (n *ObjCTypeParamDecl) AddChild(node Node) {
n.ChildNodes = append(n.ChildNodes, node)
// Address returns the numeric address of the node. See the documentation for
// the Address type for more information.
func (n *ObjCTypeParamDecl) Address() Address {
return n.Addr
// Children returns the child nodes. If this node does not have any children or
// this node does not support children it will always return an empty slice.
func (n *ObjCTypeParamDecl) Children() []Node {
return n.ChildNodes
// Position returns the position in the original source code.
func (n *ObjCTypeParamDecl) Position() Position {
return n.Pos