Greg 3573aa9144 Change Go types to simple unsafe Pointers instead of pointers
wrapped in structs. It could be possible to handle pointers to
pointers now.
2019-04-30 09:14:25 -04:00

329 lines
6.6 KiB

package types
import (
//super is a map recording which class is the parent of each other class
var super map[string]string
//wrapped is a map recording whether a given GoType is to be "wrapped" in a
//go struct.
var wrapped map[string]bool
func shouldWrap(gt string) bool {
return gt != "" && gt[0] == '*' && wrapped[gt[1:]]
//goInterfaces records the names of top level Go interfaces. Pointers to these
//are dereferenced to bare interface names.
var goInterfaces map[string]bool
func isGoInterface(gt string) bool {
return goInterfaces[gt]
//TypeParameters maps, for each class, a TypedefName to a type, representing
//the Objective-C type parameters for that class
var TypeParameters map[string]map[string]string
//Typedefs maps from C types to the Type of a typedef with that name.
var typedefs map[string]*Type
func (t *Type) Typedef() *Type {
//return typedefs[t.BaseType().CType()]
return typedefs[t.CType()]
func init() {
super = make(map[string]string)
wrapped = make(map[string]bool)
goInterfaces = make(map[string]bool)
TypeParameters = make(map[string]map[string]string)
typedefs = make(map[string]*Type)
func Super(c string) string {
return super[c]
func SetSuper(c, p string) {
super[c] = p
func SetTypeParam(c, n, t string) {
if TypeParameters[c] == nil {
TypeParameters[c] = make(map[string]string)
TypeParameters[c][n] = t
func AddTypedef(n,t string) {
//fmt.Printf("AddTypedef(): %s -> %s\n",n,t)
typedefs[n] = NewTypeFromString(t,"")
type Type struct {
Node *Node
Class string
ctype string
Variadic bool
func clean(n *Node,c string) (*Node,bool) {
if n == nil {
return nil,false
ret := NewNode(n.Kind,n.Content)
ret.Children = n.Children
recur := false
if TypeParameters[c] != nil {
for k,v := range TypeParameters[c] {
recur = ret.renameTypedefs(k,v)
recur = recur || ret.renameTypedefs("instancename",c)
recur = recur || ret.renameTypedefs("instancetype",c + "*")
if recur {
clean(n, c)
return ret,true
return n,false
func NewType(n *Node, c string) *Type {
n2,_ := clean(n, c)
return &Type{
Node: n2,
Class: c,
//ctype: "",
func NewTypeFromString(t,c string) *Type {
//fmt.Printf("t/c: %s/%s\n",t,c)
n,err := Parse(t)
//fmt.Printf("%p %s",n,n.String())
if n.IsId() {
n,err = Parse("NSObject*")
if err != nil {
return &Type{}
if n2,ok := clean(n, c); ok {
return NewTypeFromString(n2.Ctype(),c)
return &Type{
Node: n,
Class: c,
//ctype: "",
func (t *Type) String() string {
return t.Node.String()
func (t *Type) PointsTo() *Type {
return NewType(t.Node.PointsTo(), t.Class)
func Wrap(s string) {
// it is the pointers to this type that get wrapped
wrapped[s] = true
func (t *Type) BaseType() *Type {
ret := NewType(
return ret
func swapstars(s string) string {
for i := len(s) - 1; i > 0 && s[i] == '*'; {
s = "*" + s[:i]
return strings.TrimSpace(s)
func (t *Type) CGoType() string {
ct := swapstars("C." + t.CType())
ct = strings.ReplaceAll(ct,"unsigned ","u")
ct = strings.ReplaceAll(ct,"signed ","u")
ct = strings.ReplaceAll(ct,"long ","long")
ct = strings.ReplaceAll(ct,"complex ","complex")
ct = strings.ReplaceAll(ct," ","_")
return ct
func (t *Type) GoType() string {
return _goType(t.CType())
func _goType(ct string) string {
ct = swapstars(ct)
ct = strings.Title(ct)
ct = strings.ReplaceAll(ct," ","")
ct = strings.ReplaceAll(ct,"Struct","")
if len(ct) > 0 && ct[0] == '*' && isGoInterface(ct[1:]) {
return ct[1:]
return ct
func (t *Type) CType() string {
return t._CType(false)
func (t *Type) CTypeAttrib() string {
return t._CType(true)
func (t *Type) _CType(attrib bool) string {
//if !attrib && c.ctype != "" ... FIXME?
if t.ctype != "" { // cache
return t.ctype
var ct string
if attrib {
ignore := map[string]bool { "GenericList": true }
ct = t.Node._Ctype(ignore)
} else {
ct = t.Node.CtypeSimplified()
if len(ct) > 1 && ct[:2] == "id" {
ct = "NSObject*" + ct[2:]
if attrib {
} else {
t.ctype = ct
return ct
func (t *Type) GoTypeDecl() string {
if wrapped[t.GoType()] {
return t.GoInterfaceDecl()
tp := t.BaseType()
if tp.Node.IsId() {
return ""
gt := tp.GoType()
switch gt {
case "", "Void":
return ""
extra := t.Node.CtypeSimplified()
var cgt string
if td := tp.Typedef(); td != nil {
cgt = td.CGoType()
extra = "typedef " + td.Node.Ctype()
} else {
cgt = tp.CGoType()
return fmt.Sprintf(`
//%s (%s)
type %s %s
func (t *Type) GoInterfaceDecl() string {
gt := t.GoType()
if gt[0] == '*' {
gt = gt[1:] // dereference wrapped types
super := Super(gt)
if super == "" {
goInterfaces[gt] = true
return fmt.Sprintf(`
//%s (%s)
type %s interface {
Ptr() unsafe.Pointer
if isGoInterface(super) {
super = "Id"
return fmt.Sprintf(`
//%s (%s)
type %s struct { %s }
func (o *%s) Ptr() unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(o) }
func (t *Type) IsFunction() bool {
if td := t.Typedef(); td != nil {
return td.IsFunction()
return t.Node.IsFunction()
func (t *Type) IsPointer() bool {
if td := t.Typedef(); td != nil {
return td.IsPointer()
return t.Node.IsPointer()
func (t *Type) CToGo(cval string) string { // cast C value to CGo
if t.IsPointer() {
cval = "unsafe.Pointer(" + cval + ")"
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s)(%s)",t.GoType(),cval)
// Call a C function from Go with a given return type and parameter types
func GoToC(name string, pnames []string, rtype *Type, ptypes []*Type) string {
var ret strings.Builder
rt := rtype.CType()
if rt != "void" {
rtgt := rtype.GoType()
if isGoInterface(rtgt) {
rtgt = "*Id"
ret.WriteString(" return (" + rtgt + ")(")
if rtype.Node.IsPointer() {
ret.WriteString("C." + name + "(")
parms := []string{}
for i := 0; i < len(pnames); i++ {
pn,pt := pnames[i],ptypes[i]
p := pn
if (shouldWrap(pt.GoType()) || isGoInterface(pt.GoType())) && !pt.Variadic {
p = pn + ".Ptr()"
} else {
switch {
case pt.Variadic:
p = "unsafe.Pointer(&" + p + ")"
case pt.Node.IsPointer():
p = "unsafe.Pointer(" + pn + ")"
p = "(" + pt.CGoType() + ")(" + pn + ")"
parms = append(parms,p)
ret.WriteString(strings.Join(parms,", "))
if rt != "void" {
if rtype.Node.IsPointer() {
return ret.String()