# HRM An example heart rate monitor app for Android and MacOS using [git.wow.st/gmp/ble](https://git.wow.st/gmp/ble) and [Gio](https://gioui.org). The MacOS implementation uses a Core Bluetooth binding created by [NSWrap](https://git.wow.st/gmp/nswrap). On Android, Martijn van Welie's [Blessed](https://github.com/weliem/blessed-android) library is used to simplify access to the Bluetooth Low-Energy hardware. ## MacOS: ``` git clone https://git.wow.st/gmp/hrm cd hrm/hrm go build ./hrm ``` ## Android: The `gogio` command from `gioui.org/cmd/gogio` must be installed to build an Android APK. ``` git clone https://git.wow.st/gmp/hrm cd hrm/hrm gogio -target android . adb install -r hrm.apk ``` The compiled Java code for the Android implementation is pre-packaged in jar files. If you want to, you can re-compile these dependencies by running `go generate` from the `depjars` directory. You will need to have `gradle`, an Android SDK, and who knows what else installed on your machine.