Change Layout() type to Layout(Context) Context

This commit is contained in:
Greg 2019-08-12 12:19:16 -04:00
parent 396ee09d9f
commit e1fc40e6c6
1 changed files with 79 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -23,12 +23,14 @@ type Context struct {
cs layout.Constraints
dims layout.Dimens
faces measure.Faces
extra map[string]interface{}
func NewContext(w *app.Window) *Context {
return &Context{
func NewContext(w *app.Window) Context {
return Context{
ops: new(ui.Ops),
q: w.Queue(),
extra: make(map[string]interface{}),
@ -39,36 +41,53 @@ func (ctx *Context) Reset(e app.DrawEvent) {
func (fw fWidget) Layout(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, cs layout.Constraints) layout.Dimens {
return fw.l(c, q, ops, cs)
func (fw fWidget) Layout(ctx Context) Context {
return fw.l(ctx)
type Widget interface {
Layout(ui.Config, input.Queue, *ui.Ops, layout.Constraints) layout.Dimens
Layout(Context) Context
type WidgetCombinator func(...Widget) Widget
type fWidget struct {
l Layout
type WidgetCombinator func(...Widget) Widget
type Layout func(ui.Config, input.Queue, *ui.Ops, layout.Constraints) layout.Dimens
type Layout func(Context) Context
type LayoutCombinator func(...Layout) Layout
func (ctx *Context) Do(ls ...Layout) {
func LayoutWithContext(ctx Context, ls ...Layout) Context {
for _, l := range ls {
ctx.dims = l(ctx.c, ctx.q, ctx.ops, ctx.cs)
ctx = l(ctx)
return ctx
type Label struct {
l *text.Label
func (l *Label) Layout(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, cs layout.Constraints) layout.Dimens {
return l.l.Layout(ops, cs)
func (l *Label) Layout(ctx Context) Context {
ctx.dims = l.l.Layout(ctx.ops, ctx.cs)
return ctx
type Editor struct {
e *text.Editor
func NewEditor(face text.Face, singleline bool) *Editor {
ret := &Editor{}
ret.e = &text.Editor{ Face: face, SingleLine: singleline }
return ret
func (e *Editor) Layout(ctx Context) Context {
ctx.dims = e.e.Layout(ctx.c, ctx.q, ctx.ops, ctx.cs)
return ctx
func main() {
@ -80,21 +99,16 @@ func main() {
ctx := NewContext(w)
t := time.NewTicker(time.Second/30)
e1 := &text.Editor{
Face: ctx.faces.For(regular, ui.Sp(24)),
SingleLine: true,
e1.SetText("hi there")
e1 := NewEditor(ctx.faces.For(regular, ui.Sp(24)), true)
e1.e.SetText("hi there")
e2 := &text.Editor{
Face: ctx.faces.For(regular, ui.Sp(24)),
SingleLine: true,
e2.SetText("ok bye")
f := Flex(layout.Vertical, layout.Start, layout.Start)
ins10a := Inset(ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10))
ins10b := Inset(ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10))
e2 := NewEditor( ctx.faces.For(regular, ui.Sp(24)), true)
e2.e.SetText("ok bye")
f := NewFlex(layout.Vertical, layout.Start, layout.Start)
ins10a := NewInset(ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10))
ins10b := NewInset(ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10),ui.Dp(10))
btn := &Label{}
btn.l = &text.Label{
@ -113,11 +127,13 @@ func main() {
case app.DrawEvent:
@ -132,43 +148,60 @@ type FlexChild struct {
w Widget
func Flex(axis layout.Axis, mainAxisAlignment layout.MainAxisAlignment, crossAxisAlignment layout.CrossAxisAlignment) func(...FlexChild) Widget {
func Flexible(v float32) Widget {
ret := fWidget{}
ret.l = func(ctx Context) Context {
ctx.extra["Flexible"] = v
return ctx
return ret
func NewFlex(axis layout.Axis, mainAxisAlignment layout.MainAxisAlignment, crossAxisAlignment layout.CrossAxisAlignment) WidgetCombinator {
f := layout.Flex{
Axis: axis,
MainAxisAlignment: mainAxisAlignment,
CrossAxisAlignment: crossAxisAlignment,
return func(ws ...FlexChild) Widget {
return func(ws ...Widget) Widget {
ret := fWidget{}
ret.l = func(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, cs layout.Constraints) layout.Dimens {
f.Init(ops, cs)
cs = f.Rigid()
var dims layout.Dimens
ret.l = func(ctx Context) Context {
f.Init(ctx.ops, ctx.cs)
fcs := make([]layout.FlexChild,len(ws))
for i, w := range ws {
if i > 0 {
cs = f.Flexible(w.x)
if v,ok := ctx.extra["Flexible"]; ok {
switch v := v.(type) {
case float32:
ctx.cs = f.Flexible(v)
log.Fatal("Type error")
} else {
ctx.cs = f.Rigid()
dims = w.w.Layout(c, q, ops, cs)
fcs[i] = f.End(dims)
ctx = w.Layout(ctx)
fcs[i] = f.End(ctx.dims)
return f.Layout(fcs...)
ctx.dims = f.Layout(fcs...)
delete(ctx.extra, "Flexible")
return ctx
return ret
func Inset(top, right, bottom, left ui.Value) WidgetCombinator {
func NewInset(top, right, bottom, left ui.Value) WidgetCombinator {
ins := layout.Inset{ Top: top, Right: right, Bottom: bottom, Left: left }
return func(ws ...Widget) Widget {
ret := fWidget{}
ret.l = func(c ui.Config, q input.Queue, ops *ui.Ops, cs layout.Constraints) layout.Dimens {
cs = ins.Begin(c, ops, cs)
ret.l = func(ctx Context) Context {
ctx.cs = ins.Begin(ctx.c, ctx.ops, ctx.cs)
var dims layout.Dimens
for _, w := range ws {
dims = w.Layout(c, q, ops, cs)
ctx = w.Layout(ctx)
return ins.End(dims)
ctx.dims = ins.End(dims)
return ctx
return ret