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2020-06-25 12:43:58 -04:00
Deck JS - deck.core
Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Caleb Troughton
Dual licensed under the MIT license.
The deck.core module provides all the basic functionality for creating and
moving through a deck. It does so by applying classes to indicate the state of
the deck and its slides, allowing CSS to take care of the visual representation
of each state. It also provides methods for navigating the deck and inspecting
its state, as well as basic key bindings for going to the next and previous
slides. More functionality is provided by wholly separate extension modules
that use the API provided by core.
(function($, undefined) {
var slides, currentIndex, $container, $fragmentLinks;
var events = {
This event fires at the beginning of a slide change, before the actual
change occurs. Its purpose is to give extension authors a way to prevent
the slide change from occuring. This is done by calling preventDefault
on the event object within this event. If that is done, the deck.change
event will never be fired and the slide will not change.
beforeChange: 'deck.beforeChange',
This event fires whenever the current slide changes, whether by way of
next, prev, or go. The callback function is passed two parameters, from
and to, equal to the indices of the old slide and the new slide
respectively. If preventDefault is called on the event within this handler
the slide change does not occur.
$(document).bind('deck.change', function(event, from, to) {
alert('Moving from slide ' + from + ' to ' + to);
change: 'deck.change',
This event fires at the beginning of deck initialization. This event makes
a good hook for preprocessing extensions looking to modify the DOM before
the deck is fully initialized. It is also possible to halt the deck.init
event from firing while you do things in beforeInit. This can be done by
calling lockInit on the event object passed to this event. The init can be
released by calling releaseInit.
$(document).bind('deck.beforeInit', function(event) {
event.lockInit(); // halts deck.init event
window.setTimeout(function() {
event.releaseInit(); // deck.init will now fire 2 seconds later
}, 2000);
The init event will be fired regardless of locks after
options.initLockTimeout milliseconds.
beforeInitialize: 'deck.beforeInit',
This event fires at the end of deck initialization. Extensions should
implement any code that relies on user extensible options (key bindings,
element selectors, classes) within a handler for this event. Native
events associated with Deck JS should be scoped under a .deck event
namespace, as with the example below:
var $d = $(document);
$.deck.defaults.keys.myExtensionKeycode = 70; // 'h'
$d.bind('deck.init', function() {
$d.bind('keydown.deck', function(event) {
if (event.which === $.deck.getOptions().keys.myExtensionKeycode) {
// Rock out
initialize: 'deck.init'
var options = {};
var $document = $(document);
var $window = $(window);
var stopPropagation = function(event) {
var updateContainerState = function() {
var oldIndex = $'onSlide');
$container.removeClass(options.classes.onPrefix + oldIndex);
$container.addClass(options.classes.onPrefix + currentIndex);
$'onSlide', currentIndex);
var updateChildCurrent = function() {
var $oldCurrent = $('.' + options.classes.current);
var $oldParents = $oldCurrent.parentsUntil(options.selectors.container);
var $newCurrent = slides[currentIndex];
var $newParents = $newCurrent.parentsUntil(options.selectors.container);
var removeOldSlideStates = function() {
var $all = $();
$.each(slides, function(i, el) {
$all = $all.add(el);
].join(' '));
var addNewSlideStates = function() {
if (currentIndex > 0) {
if (currentIndex + 1 < slides.length) {
if (currentIndex > 1) {
$.each(slides.slice(0, currentIndex - 1), function(i, $slide) {
if (currentIndex + 2 < slides.length) {
$.each(slides.slice(currentIndex+2), function(i, $slide) {
var setAriaHiddens = function() {
$(options.selectors.slides).each(function() {
var $slide = $(this);
var isSub = $slide.closest('.' + options.classes.childCurrent).length;
var isBefore = $slide.hasClass(options.classes.before) && !isSub;
var isPrevious = $slide.hasClass(options.classes.previous) && !isSub;
var isNext = $slide.hasClass(;
var isAfter = $slide.hasClass(options.classes.after);
var ariaHiddenValue = isBefore || isPrevious || isNext || isAfter;
$slide.attr('aria-hidden', ariaHiddenValue);
var updateStates = function() {
if (options.setAriaHiddens) {
var initSlidesArray = function(elements) {
if ($.isArray(elements)) {
$.each(elements, function(i, element) {
else {
$(elements).each(function(i, element) {
var bindKeyEvents = function() {
var editables = [
].join(', ');
$document.unbind('keydown.deck').bind('keydown.deck', function(event) {
var isNext = event.which ===;
var isPrev = event.which === options.keys.previous;
isNext = isNext || $.inArray(event.which, > -1;
isPrev = isPrev || $.inArray(event.which, options.keys.previous) > -1;
if (isNext) {;
else if (isPrev) {
$document.undelegate(editables, 'keydown.deck', stopPropagation);
$document.delegate(editables, 'keydown.deck', stopPropagation);
var bindTouchEvents = function() {
var startTouch;
var direction = options.touch.swipeDirection;
var tolerance = options.touch.swipeTolerance;
var listenToHorizontal = ({ both: true, horizontal: true })[direction];
var listenToVertical = ({ both: true, vertical: true })[direction];
$container.bind('touchstart.deck', function(event) {
if (!startTouch) {
startTouch = $.extend({}, event.originalEvent.targetTouches[0]);
$container.bind('touchmove.deck', function(event) {
$.each(event.originalEvent.changedTouches, function(i, touch) {
if (!startTouch || touch.identifier !== startTouch.identifier) {
return true;
var xDistance = touch.screenX - startTouch.screenX;
var yDistance = touch.screenY - startTouch.screenY;
var leftToRight = xDistance > tolerance && listenToHorizontal;
var rightToLeft = xDistance < -tolerance && listenToHorizontal;
var topToBottom = yDistance > tolerance && listenToVertical;
var bottomToTop = yDistance < -tolerance && listenToVertical;
if (leftToRight || topToBottom) {
startTouch = undefined;
else if (rightToLeft || bottomToTop) {
startTouch = undefined;
return false;
if (listenToVertical) {
$container.bind('touchend.deck', function(event) {
$.each(event.originalEvent.changedTouches, function(i, touch) {
if (startTouch && touch.identifier === startTouch.identifier) {
startTouch = undefined;
var indexInBounds = function(index) {
return typeof index === 'number' && index >=0 && index < slides.length;
var createBeforeInitEvent = function() {
var event = $.Event(events.beforeInitialize);
event.locks = 0;
event.done = $.noop;
event.lockInit = function() {
event.releaseInit = function() {
if (!event.locks) {
return event;
var goByHash = function(str) {
var id = str.substr(str.indexOf("#") + 1);
$.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
if ($slide.attr('id') === id) {
$.deck('go', i);
return false;
// If we don't set these to 0 the container scrolls due to hashchange
if (options.preventFragmentScroll) {
var assignSlideId = function(i, $slide) {
var currentId = $slide.attr('id');
var previouslyAssigned = $'deckAssignedId') === currentId;
if (!currentId || previouslyAssigned) {
$slide.attr('id', options.hashPrefix + i);
$'deckAssignedId', options.hashPrefix + i);
var removeContainerHashClass = function(id) {
$container.removeClass(options.classes.onPrefix + id);
var addContainerHashClass = function(id) {
$container.addClass(options.classes.onPrefix + id);
var setupHashBehaviors = function() {
$fragmentLinks = $();
$.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
var hash;
assignSlideId(i, $slide);
hash = '#' + $slide.attr('id');
if (hash === window.location.hash) {
setTimeout(function() {
$.deck('go', i);
}, 1);
$fragmentLinks = $fragmentLinks.add('a[href="' + hash + '"]');
if (slides.length) {
var changeHash = function(from, to) {
var hash = '#' + $.deck('getSlide', to).attr('id');
var hashPath = window.location.href.replace(/#.*/, '') + hash;
removeContainerHashClass($.deck('getSlide', from).attr('id'));
addContainerHashClass($.deck('getSlide', to).attr('id'));
if (Modernizr.history) {
window.history.replaceState({}, "", hashPath);
/* Methods exposed in the jQuery.deck namespace */
var methods = {
jQuery.deck(selector, options)
selector: string | jQuery | array
options: object, optional
Initializes the deck, using each element matched by selector as a slide.
May also be passed an array of string selectors or jQuery objects, in
which case each selector in the array is considered a slide. The second
parameter is an optional options object which will extend the default
Users may also pass only an options object to init. In this case the slide
selector will be options.selectors.slides which defaults to .slide.
init: function(opts) {
var beforeInitEvent = createBeforeInitEvent();
var overrides = opts;
if (!$.isPlainObject(opts)) {
overrides = arguments[1] || {};
$.extend(true, overrides, {
selectors: {
slides: arguments[0]
options = $.extend(true, {}, $.deck.defaults, overrides);
slides = [];
currentIndex = 0;
$container = $(options.selectors.container);
// Hide the deck while states are being applied to kill transitions
// populate the array of slides for pre-init
// Pre init event for preprocessing hooks
beforeInitEvent.done = function() {
// re-populate the array of slides
slides = [];
if (slides.length) {
// Show deck again now that slides are in place
if (!beforeInitEvent.locks) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (beforeInitEvent.locks) {
if (window.console) {
window.console.warn('Something locked deck initialization\
without releasing it before the timeout. Proceeding with\
initialization anyway.');
}, options.initLockTimeout);
jQuery.deck('go', index)
index: integer | string
Moves to the slide at the specified index if index is a number. Index is
0-based, so $.deck('go', 0); will move to the first slide. If index is a
string this will move to the slide with the specified id. If index is out
of bounds or doesn't match a slide id the call is ignored.
go: function(indexOrId) {
var beforeChangeEvent = $.Event(events.beforeChange);
var index;
/* Number index, easy. */
if (indexInBounds(indexOrId)) {
index = indexOrId;
/* Id string index, search for it and set integer index */
else if (typeof indexOrId === 'string') {
$.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
if ($slide.attr('id') === indexOrId) {
index = i;
return false;
if (typeof index === 'undefined') {
/* Trigger beforeChange. If nothing prevents the change, trigger
the slide change. */
$document.trigger(beforeChangeEvent, [currentIndex, index]);
if (!beforeChangeEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
$document.trigger(events.change, [currentIndex, index]);
changeHash(currentIndex, index);
currentIndex = index;
Moves to the next slide. If the last slide is already active, the call
is ignored.
next: function() {
Moves to the previous slide. If the first slide is already active, the
call is ignored.
prev: function() {
jQuery.deck('getSlide', index)
index: integer, optional
Returns a jQuery object containing the slide at index. If index is not
specified, the current slide is returned.
getSlide: function(index) {
index = typeof index !== 'undefined' ? index : currentIndex;
if (!indexInBounds(index)) {
return null;
return slides[index];
Returns all slides as an array of jQuery objects.
getSlides: function() {
return slides;
Returns all slides that are not subslides.
getTopLevelSlides: function() {
var topLevelSlides = [];
var slideSelector = options.selectors.slides;
var subSelector = [slideSelector, slideSelector].join(' ');
$.each(slides, function(i, $slide) {
if (!$ {
return topLevelSlides;
jQuery.deck('getNestedSlides', index)
index: integer, optional
Returns all the nested slides of the current slide. If index is
specified it returns the nested slides of the slide at that index.
If there are no nested slides this will return an empty array.
getNestedSlides: function(index) {
var targetIndex = index == null ? currentIndex : index;
var $targetSlide = $.deck('getSlide', targetIndex);
var $nesteds = $targetSlide.find(options.selectors.slides);
var nesteds = $nesteds.get();
return $.map(nesteds, function(slide, i) {
return $(slide);
Returns a jQuery object containing the deck container as defined by the
container option.
getContainer: function() {
return $container;
Returns the options object for the deck, including any overrides that
were defined at initialization.
getOptions: function() {
return options;
jQuery.deck('extend', name, method)
name: string
method: function
Adds method to the deck namespace with the key of name. This doesnt
give access to any private member data public methods must still be
used within method but lets extension authors piggyback on the deck
namespace rather than pollute jQuery.
$.deck('extend', 'alert', function(msg) {
// Alerts 'boom'
$.deck('alert', 'boom');
extend: function(name, method) {
methods[name] = method;
/* jQuery extension */
$.deck = function(method, arg) {
var args =, 1);
if (methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this, args);
else {
return methods.init(method, arg);
The default settings object for a deck. All deck extensions should extend
this object to add defaults for any of their options.
This class is added to all slides that appear after the 'next' slide.
This class is added to all slides that appear before the 'previous'
This class is added to all elements in the DOM tree between the
'current' slide and the deck container. For standard slides, this is
mostly seen and used for nested slides.
This class is added to the current slide.
This class is applied to the deck container during loading phases and is
primarily used as a way to short circuit transitions between states
where such transitions are distracting or unwanted. For example, this
class is applied during deck initialization and then removed to prevent
all the slides from appearing stacked and transitioning into place
on load.
This class is added to the slide immediately following the 'current'
This prefix, concatenated with the current slide index, is added to the
deck container as you change slides.
This class is added to the slide immediately preceding the 'current'
Elements matched by this CSS selector will be considered the deck
container. The deck container is used to scope certain states of the
deck, as with the onPrefix option, or with extensions such as deck.goto
Elements matched by this selector make up the individual deck slides.
If a user chooses to pass the slide selector as the first argument to
$.deck() on initialization it does the same thing as passing in this
option and this option value will be set to the value of that parameter.
The numeric keycode used to go to the next slide.
The numeric keycode used to go to the previous slide.
The direction swipes occur to cause slide changes. Can be 'horizontal',
'vertical', or 'both'. Any other value or a falsy value will disable
swipe gestures for navigation.
The number of pixels the users finger must travel to produce a swipe
The number of milliseconds the init event will wait for BeforeInit event
locks to be released before firing the init event regardless.
Every slide that does not have an id is assigned one at initialization.
Assigned ids take the form of hashPrefix + slideIndex, e.g., slide-0,
slide-12, etc.
When deep linking to a hash of a nested slide, this scrolls the deck
container to the top, undoing the natural browser behavior of scrolling
to the document fragment on load.
When set to true, deck.js will set aria hidden attributes for slides
that do not appear onscreen according to a typical heirarchical
deck structure. You may want to turn this off if you are using a theme
where slides besides the current slide are visible on screen and should
be accessible to screenreaders.
$.deck.defaults = {
classes: {
after: 'deck-after',
before: 'deck-before',
childCurrent: 'deck-child-current',
current: 'deck-current',
loading: 'deck-loading',
next: 'deck-next',
onPrefix: 'on-slide-',
previous: 'deck-previous'
selectors: {
container: '.deck-container',
slides: '.slide'
keys: {
// enter, space, page down, right arrow, down arrow,
next: [13, 32, 34, 39, 40],
// backspace, page up, left arrow, up arrow
previous: [8, 33, 37, 38]
touch: {
swipeDirection: 'horizontal',
swipeTolerance: 60
initLockTimeout: 10000,
hashPrefix: 'slide-',
preventFragmentScroll: true,
setAriaHiddens: true
$document.ready(function() {
$window.bind('hashchange.deck', function(event) {
if (event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.newURL) {
else {
$window.bind('load.deck', function() {
if (options.preventFragmentScroll) {